Frank Kelly: Collective Bargaining and modern HR consultancy
Dublin, Ireland.
Frank Kelly HR Business Consultant (Relationship – Management) welcomes the Irish Government’s commitment to agree new arrangements in cases where employers who do not deal with trade unions and to put in place a restoration of indirect union recognition.
Frank Kelly HR Business Consultant (Relationship – Management) welcomes the Irish Government’s commitment to agree new arrangements in cases where employers who do not deal with trade unions and to put in place a restoration of indirect union recognition.
Collective bargaining may seem reminiscent of the heady days of the major industrial relations agreements, but as a HR expert Frank Kelly believes that collective bargaining can still have a place in the modern business environment.
Frank says; “Collective bargaining arrangements provide a balance between the interests of employers and their staff and helps with the reconciliation of employee interests and organisational objectives and imperatives.”
“Some employers can be put off the idea by the fear of traditional positional tactics being adopted but where the Harvard Business School notion of collective bargaining as an amalgam of stakeholder interests including shareholders, management, employees, government, union and ultimately the community can be harnessed, the trade-offs between competing elements can be facilitated.”
“While the new arrangements do not provide for mandatory collective bargaining they do allow for unions to apply to the Labour Court to review terms and conditions if they believe they are out of line with comparable employments and if there is a not insignificant number of employees involved. The evidence over recent months would seem to be that collective bargaining is still alive and well and it is my view that the utilisation of collective bargaining processes is as relevant in today’s business environment as it was in the heady days of the major industrial relations agreements.”
Notes to editors
Frank Kelly website
Irish Times on Collective bargaining
Collective bargaining wiki
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