FSO Knock Nevis

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Today, 12. August 2009 is the expiry date set out in the contract with Mærsk Oil Qatar AS for the utilization of FSO Knock Nevis. The demobilization from the Al Shaheen field offshore Qatar has started and Knock Nevis will remain on the field for another month to perform crude oil washing of the storage tanks and complete demobilization. Fred. Olsen Production continues to market Knock Nevis for future opportunities world wide. Before starting any new employment, FSO Knock Nevis would have to go through a Special Class Survey. For more information, please contact CEO Mårten Lunde maartenl@fredolsen.no or CFO Jørn T. Røkaas jorn.rokaas@fredolsen.no. Phone number +47 22 34 10 00.