Mandator signs agreement covering Intelligent Transport Systems

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Mandator has signed two general agreements with the Swedish National Road Administration, Vägverket. The first agreement covers services in the growing area of Intelligent Transport Systems.

Intelligent Transport Systems is a prioritised area for the Swedish National Road Administration and will facilitate the travelling for road-users. It concerns information and services for road-users, such as traffic information, information for road-users about accidents, ferry timetables, traffic jams, and travel times and much more.

The second general agreement encompasses computer services such as:
• Software/programming
• Networks/computer communications
• Inquiries/analyses
• Quality/processes
• Road informatics
• Advertising/information/PR

For more information, please contact:
Patrik Odenman, Account Manager, Mandator, Tel. +46 (0) 31-739 8336
Robert Karlsson, Director of Corporate Communications, Tel. +46 (0) 709-565 141