Notice of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders

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The Shareholders of MANDATOR AB (publ) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held at Hilton Stockholm Slussen in the Platon Room, Guldgränd 8 in Stockholm, Sweden on Thursday, 7 April 2005 at 16.00

Shareholders wishing to participate in the Annual General Meeting must both be listed in the share register administered by VPC AB (Swedish Central Securities Depository & Clearing Organisation) on Monday, 28 March 2005 and notify the company, no later than 12.00 noon on Monday, 4 April 2005 of their intention to participate by post to Mandator AB, Attention: Cecilia Höjgård Höök, Box 17540, SE-118 91 Stockholm, Sweden; by telephone to +46 (0)8 658 77 12; by fax to +46 (0)8 402 31 48; or by e-mail to Notification shall include the shareholder's full name or company name, personal identity number or corporate identity number, shareholding, address, daytime telephone number, and details about any accompanying person(s). Shareholders may be accompanied by no more than two persons on condition that the number of accompanying persons is notified in advance as detailed above.

Nominee shareholders
Shareholders who have registered their shares under a nominee, such as through the trust department of a bank or through a mutual fund manager, must, in order to have the right to participate in the AGM, temporarily register their shares in their own name at VPC AB. Such temporary registration must be completed no later than Monday, 28 March 2005. Shareholders wishing to complete such temporary registration are requested to inform their nominee in good time before Thursday, 24 March 2005 as the Easter Holiday stretches from 25 March to 28 March 2005.

Shareholders who are to participate via a representative must sign a dated proxy for said representative. If the proxy is issued by a corporate entity, a certified copy of the certificate of incorporation or similar document ('certificate of incorporation') for the corporate entity must be included. The proxy and certificate of incorporation may be no more than one year old. The original proxy and, if applicable, the certificate of incorporation should be sent by post and in good time to the company at the address provided above.

Proposed Agenda
1. Call to Order: Opening of the Annual General Meeting
2. Election of the Chair of the AGM
3. Approval of the Electoral Register
4. Election of one or two persons to check the minutes
5. Approval of the Agenda
6. Determination of whether the AGM was duly convened
7. Presentation of the Annual Accounts and Audit Report and the Consolidated Annual Accounts and Consolidated Audit Report
8. Move to adopt the Income Statement and Balance Sheet and the Consolidated Income Statement and Consolidated Balance Sheet
9. Move to allocate the Company's profit or loss in accordance with the adopted Balance Sheet
10. Move to discharge the Members of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer from liability
11. Determination of the number of Board Members and Deputies
12. Determination of the remuneration to be paid to the Board
13. Election of the Board of Directors
14. Motion to re-appoint a Nominating Committee
15. Adjournment: Closing of the Annual General Meeting

Proposal to deal with the Company's profit or loss (item 9)
The Board proposes that the profit or loss for the financial year 2004 be carried forward and that no dividend be distributed to the shareholders.

Proposal concerning Board Members (items 11-13)
Prior to this year's AGM, Maria Lilja indicated her wish to resign from the Board after eleven years of service.
The Nominating Committee appointed at the 2004 AGM has provided the following proposal for this year's AGM:
• The number of Board Members shall comprise of 6 Ordinary Board Members and no Deputy Board Members.
• Remuneration to the Board Members shall total SEK 750 000 to be allocated between Board Members at the Board's discretion.
• Re-election of the present Board Members Niklas Flyborg, Torgny Eriksson, Eva Elmstedt, Jan Signell and Lennart Svanberg until the time of the next AGM.
• Election of Jan Rynning to the Board until the time of the next AGM. Jan Rynning has broad experience from business development. His merits include having been chairman of the boards of four companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Jan Rynning currently holds board positions at Enea AB, Biophausia AB, Innoventus Project AB, SMI Media Invest AB and the law firm Ahlford Advokatbyrå AB, where he is a solicitor and a partner.
Nominating Committee (item 14)
The Board proposes that a Nominating Committee again be appointed such that during the fourth quarter, the three largest shareholders and Aktiespararna are each requested to appoint a representative. With the Chair of the Board as convener, the representatives will then prepare a proposal for presentation at the next AGM.
The annual accounts documents and audit reports will be available at the Company's premises as of Thursday, 24 March 2005 and, if requested, can be posted to shareholders providing a postal address.

Stockholm, March 2005
Mandator AB (publ)
The Board of Directors