Vägverket chooses business system from Mandator

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Vägverket Produktion has chosen CENIT as its common project tool for 500 users. This deal is the largest so far for Mandator's proprietary business system.

Vägverket (Swedish Road Administration) will use CENIT as the general purpose business system within the business areas Drift (Operation) and Beläggning (Surfacing). The aim is to optimise project management along the entire chain from tender to final invoice.

"The decisive factor in our decision was that CENIT covers large areas of our business process," says Dan Hallin, IS/IT Manager, Vägverket Produktion. "We see the opportunity to reduce the flora of support systems and create better conditions for a common work method within our production work. Mandator's industry knowledge, especially within surfacing, was also a strong contributory factor to our choice of supplier."

The tool has been developed by Mandator, primarily in collaboration with NCC Roads, although Tekniska Verken i Linköping has also been an active participant in the development. Implementation and any further development will be conducted by consultants from Mandator's office in Linköping. The system is expected to be ready for operation in January 2005.

"This is a major and strategic deal for us," says Anders Jacobson, head of CENIT at Mandator. "Economically, of course, it will contribute considerably. However, in the long term perhaps the most important aspect is that through Vägverket Produktion's choice, we can hope to make CENIT something of an industry standard, mainly within surfacing."

Vägverket Produktion is a business unit within Vägverket. This unit, which has an annual turnover of about SEK 6 billion, works with the construction, operation and maintenance of roads and structures within both the private and public sectors.

For more information, please contact:
Anders Jacobson, tel. +46 13 37 48 00