Press Release - Func Food Group considers a capital injection

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Published: 8 December 2016

Func Food Group Oyj, reg. no. 2592369-6 ("Func Food Group"), has proposed to its shareholders to approve a resolution to incur a convertible loan for the company in the maximum amount of EUR 3,000,000. The convertible loan shall be offered for subscription to the company's shareholders pro rata.

The purpose of the convertible loan is to enable a further acceleration of growth in the company’s operations, including geographical expansion. The granting of the convertible loan is subject to the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting’s approval. The meeting will be held on December 15 2016.

For further information please contact:

Robin Lybeck, CEO Func Food Group Oyj,, +358 40 7352464

Tommi Virtanen, CFO Func Food Group Oyj,, +358 40 5904040.

The information contained in this press release is such information that Func Food Group Oyj is required to publish in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market Act (2007:528) and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was submitted for publication on 8 December, 2016, at 13.00 CET.

Func Food Group Oyj, Pyynikintie 25 Y 10, 33230 Tampere, Finland. The board is resident in Tampere. For further information about the company please visit

Func Food Group Oyj