Redeye: G5 Entertainment - The valuation is too conservative

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Industry-leading research firm Newzoo has reduced its initial forecast for the global games market in 2018. Estimated growth in 2018 is now 13 percent (previous 26 percent). Hidden City is now a more mature product were the most explosive growth likely is behind us. In 2019 we estimate Hidden City will continue to be the company´s big cash cow, but the game will grow more in line with the industry as a whole. We have lowered our expected revenue growth for 2019-2021 due to the changed estimated growth in the mobile games industry. Our more conservative approach still indicates a potential of more than 100% to our new base case.

Read more and download the research update by Tomas Otterbeck: 

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This is a press release from Redeye - Research Powered Investment Banking.
