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The Board of Directors of Ganger Rolf ASA will
propose that the company pays an extraordinary
dividend of NOK 10.00 per share.
For full information see: www.newsweb.noThe Board of Directors of Ganger Rolf ASA has
decided to propose to the General Assembly the
payment of an extraordinary dividend of NOK 10.00
per share. The proposal is based on a continued
positive development of the results within the
company`s main business areas and its generally
strong financial position.

The proposal has been considered by the
Shareholders` Committee which resolved to
recommend accordingly.

An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on
14th December 2007. Provided that the proposal is
approved by such Extraordinary General Meeting,
the dividend will be distributed early January
2008 to the shareholders as per the date of the
Extraordinary General Meeting. The share will be
quoted ex. dividend from and including 17th
December 2007.