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The following three art works by Edvard Munch
belonging to Ganger Rolf ASA were yesterday sold
at an auction at Sotheby`s in London for prices
totalling appr. GBP 4,23 million:

`Self-portrait (against two-coloured background)
` (1904)
`Men bathing` (1915)
`Ingeborg by the fjord` (1915)

A lithography by Edvard Munch (`Head of an old
woman` 1883)
belonging to Ganger Rolf ASA will come up for
auction at Sotheby`s at a later point in time.Sale of Edvard Munch paintings

The following three art works by Edvard Munch
belonging to Ganger Rolf ASA were yesterday sold
at an auction at Sotheby`s in London for prices
totalling appr. GBP 4,23 million:
`Self-portrait (against two-coloured background)
` (1904)
`Men bathing` (1915)
`Ingeborg by the fjord` (1915)

A lithography by Edvard Munch (`Head of an old
woman` 1883)
belonging to Ganger Rolf ASA will come up for
auction at Sotheby`s at a later point in time.

Contact person: SVP Victor Friberg, Fred. Olsen
& Co. Phone: + 47 22 34 10 00