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The annual general meeting in Ganger Rolf will
be held on Wednesday 31st May 2006 at 14.00 in
the company`s offices in Fred.Olsensgate 2, Oslo.

For full information see attachment on
www.newsweb.noThe annual general meeting in Ganger Rolf will
be held on Wednesday 31st May 2006 at 14.00 at
the company`s offices in Fred.Olsensgate 2, Oslo.

1) Opening of the meeting
2) The Board of Directors` report 2005
3) 2005 financial statement
4) Allocation of the result of the year
5) Split of shares
6) Purchase of own shares
7) Election of members to the Shareholders`
Committee and approval of their fees
8) Approval of the Board of Directors` fees
9) Approval of the Auditor`s fee
10) Gifts and contributions for 2006 from
the Company

For full information see attachment on

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