A GATESHEAD charity has organised its first joint event for carers with a major high street retailer.

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Boots the Chemist and Gateshead Carers Association (GCA) have organised their first joint health awareness day for carers, who live or work in Gateshead, on Friday 30 September 2011.

The free event will feature advice on vitamins and health, raffles, make-overs, goodie bags and refreshments.

It takes place between 11am and 2pm at Gateshead Carers Association, 11 Regent Terrace. Gateshead. NE8 1LU.

The event is part of an ongoing partnership between the pharmacy division of Boots the Chemist at Gateshead MetroCentre, and GCA.

The relationship has already resulted in a number of outreach and awareness-raising sessions at the Metrocentre for staff and visitors in order to attract people, who otherwise may not have identified themselves as carers.

Mandy Quinn, GCA Information and Advice Officer, said: “We are delighted to be working with one of the biggest names on the high street to offer information, advice and support to as many carers as possible in Gateshead.

“Many of Boots’ customers will also be carers and many of our carers will also use pharmacy services on a regularly.

“It makes sense to work together to add value and to provide a wraparound service for our customers.”

The recently-published Gateshead Carers Survey revealed many carers are not aware of the support services available to them.

There are an estimated 25,000 carers in Gateshead, who provide approximately £1,800-worth of care each per week.

Many carers are “hidden” and do not identify themselves as carers.

A carer is a friend, relative or neighbour, who provides regular, unpaid care and support for some-one suffering illness, disability, frailty, infirmity, alcohol or substance misuse.

For more information, call Judith Dunn, Campaigns and Development Worker, on (0191) 490 0121 or email judith.dunn@gatesheadcarers.com.

Gateshead Carers Association exists to relieve the stresses experienced by carers in Gateshead by providing information, advice and support services to carers, to help them and their dependents.

Established in 1996, Gateshead Carers Association is a registered charity.

Its aim is to support, inform and represent carers. GCA has a particular role in ensuring that the voice of carers is heard and that carers are able to influence the development of policy and services.

GCA’s current activities include running a number of interest groups including art, craft, photography and weight control, providing information and advice services and the Carers Action Forum.