Organise your weblife with!

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Organise your favourite websites into easy to search zones with the clever new Find Wizard from .

Do you visit the same websites almost daily but still can’t remember their web address? It’s just easier to type the name into a search engine... right?! Interested in having all your favourite sites in one easy to use format all in one place? Then check out the new Find Wizard from Gemsta’s unique multisearch technology, which allows users to search multiple sites simultaneously, can be now be customised for free to help find anything quickly and easily from a personal choice of sites. It requires no specialist software and is accessible from anywhere online. Up to 16 sites per zone can be organised into structured grids with loads of colourful backgrounds to complement your choice. “It takes a matter of minutes to organise your weblife, simply register and complete a four step process using the Find Wizard,” explains Jonathan Franklin, managing director, “You can choose from over 400 sites including search engines, shopping sites and social media sites. Just select a frame, drag your chosen logos into the 16 space grid, choose a background, name your zone and you are away!” continues Jonathan. The Find Wizard is just one part of the newly structured FIND within It joins comparison shopping, vouchers and deals, 3D shopping and wishlist – plus the comprehensive pre-organised shopping zones and 6 web search zones. Once you’ve found FIND you’ll wonder how you ever got on without it!! Plus coming soon – the ability to SAVE anything you FIND on the web and organise it into personalised folders, then SHARE it with a chosen few or the whole world. Ends.
