Nicolites, the new electronic cigarette, healthy, eco friendly and legal in all public places!
Hi all, I would like to introduce you to the new eco−friendly cigarettes 'Nicolites'. No tobacco, no tar, no carbon monoxide or other harmful substances, smoke it in all public places, no ash, no cig ends but real smoking satisfaction!! As we all know even though its so bad for us, so many people smoke as do our readers ..if you would like to stop or are just curious about the product and would like to try it then please ask me for a sample and/or images!
NicoLite is the worlds most advanced and cheapest electronic cigarette available in the market. It is reliable and consistent, and comes ready to use. There is no charging necessary, and will last up to 25−30 traditional cigarettes worth before needing to be disposed of. Traditional electronic cigarettes are fundamentally made up of three parts, a battery, and atomiser and a nicotine−containing cartridge. With NicoLite disposable electronic cigarettes the atomiser has been combined with the cartridge to make a more efficient, more reliable, simply to use product, when puffing on the nicolite, it asorbs nicotine into the body the same way as when we smoke real cigarettes and you exhale an odourless vapour giving a the user a real smoking sensation. Also they comein a range of strengths and flavours. Simply screw the two pieces together and NicoLite is ready to use. Each NicoLite lasts between the equivalent of 25 30 traditional cigarettes. (Based on £6.00 for a pack of 20), NicoLite is up to a third cheaper than traditional cigarettes and feels and tastes like the real thing! If you would like to feature the new Nicolites ( and would like to request a sample or high res images of this new product then please email Fran on or call Fran on 07545499254 / 01733 229333 07545499254 / 01733 229333