89 Percent of Young Women in Ohio Say Poor Economy Impacts Daily Life
Only 30 percent say the country is headed in the right direction while 86 percent plan to vote in the presidential election
Washington, DC – (11/5/12) – Generation Opportunity today released data specifically on young women from their comprehensive Ohio-specific survey of young adults ages 18-29. The poll found that 86 percent of Millennial women in Ohio plan to vote in the presidential election, only 30 percent believe the country is headed in the right direction, and 80 percent say key life decisions have been delayed by the poor national economy.
Generation Opportunity has over 4 million fans on Facebook and direct grassroots engagement with over a quarter million young Americans. The organization has over 130,000 followers across the state of Ohio developed through social media and grassroots activities.
- 89% of young women in Ohio changed some aspect of their day-to-day lives because of the current state of the economy (Accepted multiple responses) (Randomized):
- 64% - Reduced entertainment budget;
- 50% - Reduced grocery/food budget;
- 47% - Cut back on gifts for friends and family;
- 42% - Skipped a vacation;
- 38% - Driven less/relied more on public transit;
- 41% - Taken active steps to reduce home energy costs;
- 34% - Tried to find an additional job;
- 26% - Changed living situation (moved in with family, taken extra roommates, downgraded apartment or home);
- 28% - Sold personal items or property (cars, electronic appliances, or other possessions);
- 18% - Skipped a wedding, family reunion, or other significant social event;
- 4% - Other, specified;
- 9% - None of the above (accepted only this response);
- 2% - Do not know/cannot judge (accepted only this response).
- 80% of young women in Ohio have delayed or might not do at least one major life event due to the current state of the economy (Accepted multiple responses) (Randomized):
- 41% - Buy my own place;
- 30% - Go back to school/getting more education or training;
- 33% - Pay off student loans or other debt;
- 21% - Change jobs/cities;
- 24% - Start a family;
- 29% - Save for retirement;
- 19% - Get married;
- 18% - None of the above (accepted only this response);
- 2% - Do not know/cannot judge (accepted only this response).
- 64% believe the availability of more quality, full-time jobs upon graduation is more important than lower student loan interest rates.
- 71% say the availability of more quality, full-time jobs with health insurance plans is more important than the ability to stay on their parents’ health insurance plans until they are 26.
- 77% believe that the lack of job opportunities is shrinking the American middle class.
- Only 39% believe that today’s political leaders reflect the interests of young Americans.
- Only 30% agree with the statement “generally speaking, things in the United States are heading in the right direction.”
- 86% of 18-29 year old women in Ohio plan to vote in the election for President this year.
“Young women in Ohio plan to vote tomorrow and jobs are very clearly the number one issue. For election 2012, they believe that the lack of meaningful, full-time jobs and the need for greater economic opportunity are the most important issues facing them. After their mothers and grandmothers fought for equality and access to opportunities not long ago reserved solely for men, it should come as no surprise that young women in Ohio simply want the opportunity to create a future for themselves, to contribute to their communities, and to ultimately make the country a better place for generations to come,” said Amber S. Roseboom, Executive Vice President of Generation Opportunity, former Deputy Chief of Staff of the United States Office of Personnel Management, and former team member at the United States Department of Labor under Secretary Elaine L. Chao.
“The policies of this president and his administration are making these opportunities fewer and fewer. Young women in particular are determined not to sit idly by and let it slip away.
“Candidates and their surrogates who would suggest that women either don’t care about a candidate’s record in office or will simply vote on a narrow band of issues had better wake up – young women in Ohio are paying attention and are planning to vote for the candidate who has laid out an agenda that will free businesses to create jobs and more opportunities for them to meet their aspirations and goals moving forward.”
For Generation Opportunity, the polling company, inc./WomanTrend, conducted a statewide online survey of 507 Ohio adults ages 18-29 between July 27 – August 14, 2012. Randomly selected online opt-in panel participants were sent an invitation to the survey via email, which included a secure link to the online questionnaire. Quotas were used to ensure the survey was representative of the larger 18-29 year old statewide population with regard to race, region, and gender. The data were NOT weighted. The overall sampling margin of error for the survey is ±4.4% at a 95% confidence interval, meaning that the data obtained would not differ more than 4.4 percentage points in 95 out of 100 similar samples obtained. Women comprised 54% of the total sample.
Generation Opportunity is the largest non-profit, non-partisan organization in the United States engaging and mobilizing young Americans (ages 18-29) on important economic issues facing the nation. Since its launch in June of 2011, Generation Opportunity has operated on a combined strategy of advanced social media tactics and field tactics to reach young Americans across the country.
Generation Opportunity is actively organizing young adults across America through grassroots tactics, voter registration, and voter turnout efforts in states like Ohio, Virginia, Maine, North Carolina, Michigan, and Florida, engaging over a quarter million young adults. The organization’s social media platforms have amassed a total fan base of more than 4 million. Facebook pages post links to relevant articles and reports from sources ranging from the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO), to The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Brookings Institution, The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, and The Heritage Foundation.
Read about Generation Opportunity here; visit “Being American by GO” on Facebook here, “The Constitution by GO” on Facebook here, “Gas Prices Are Too Damn High” on Facebook here, “Lower Taxes by GO” on Facebook here, “Keep Texas Awesome” on Facebook here, “Jersey Proud” on Facebook here, and “We Like Small Government” on Facebook here.
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Matthew Faraci – 202-997-1636 | EMAIL
David Pasch – 202-230-7947 | EMAIL