Communiqué from Annual General Meeting for Genovis AB (publ) 19 April 2007

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The following decisions were adopted at the Annual General Meeting:

• The balance sheet and income statement were ratified.

• The Board and the CEO were granted a release from liability.

• The Board shall consist of five ordinary members up to the next Annual General Meeting. The
Chairman of the Board Hans Göran Arlock and the ordinary members Sarah Fredriksson, Nicklas
Gerhardsson, Viveca Rüter and Bo Håkansson were all re-elected.

• A Nominating Committee shall be created consisting of representatives for the three shareholders
who at the point in time at the end of the third quarter of the year 2007 own the most votes in the company.

• Guidelines for remuneration for the CEO and other leading employees were ratified in accordance
with the Board’s proposal.

• The Annual General Meeting approved changes to the Articles of Association. The changes
involved the following:
The scope of the company’s enterprises was expanded to include the ownership and
administration of securities and real estate as well as enterprises compatible with such.
The share capital shall comprise at the lowest three million (3,000,000) SEK and at the highest
twelve million (12,000,000) SEK.
The number of shares shall be at the lowest seven million five hundred thousand (7,500,000) and
at the highest thirty million (30,000,000).
The Board shall consist of at the lowest three (3) and at the highest the (10) members with at the
highest five (5) alternates.
One (1) auditor with or without an alternate or a registered public accounting firm will be
Summons to the company’s Annual General Meeting shall take place through announcement in
Dagens Industri and Post- och Inrikes Tidningar.
The Chairman of the Board shall be selected by the Annual General Meeting.
If such should be the case, group annual accounts and the group auditor’s report will be submitted
to and ratified by the Annual General Meeting.
The record day provision was adjusted to meet the new statutory definition of a VPC company.

Lund 20 April 2007
Genovis AB (publ)
The Board
