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The following decisions were adopted at the Annual General Meeting: The balance sheet and income statement were ratified. The Board of Directors and the CEO were discharged from liability. The Board shall consist of six ordinary members with no alternates until the next Annual General Meeting. Hans Göran Arlock was re-elected as Chairman of the Board. Nicklas Gerhardsson, Thomas Laurell and Carina Schmidt were re-elected. Two new board members were elected; Fredrik Lindgren and Ebba Åsly Fåhraeus. A Nominating Committee shall be formed by 30 September 2009, and consist of representatives for the four biggest shareholders at the time, provided these shareholders are not board members. Guidelines for remuneration for the CEO and other leading employees were ratified in accordance with the Board’s proposal. The Annual General Meeting resolved to change sections 8 of the Articles of Association concerning time limits for notice of general meetings, since these limits are already regulated by law. In accordance with the Board’s proposal, the Annual General Meeting resolved to a conditional change regarding means of convening a general meeting. Authorization for the board to decide upon a new share issue, up until the next Annual General Meeting, at one or more occasions with or without preemptive rights for current shareholders was approved by the Annual General Meeting. A new share issue based on the authorization will raise the share capital with at the maximum SEK 1,400,000 by the issuing of a maximum of 3,500,000 shares at market price at full subscription.


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