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The following decisions were adopted at the Annual General Meeting: The balance sheet and income statement were ratified. The Board of Directors and the CEO were discharged from liability. The Board shall consist of six ordinary members with no alternates until the next Annual General Meeting. Nicklas Gerhardsson, Thomas Laurell and Carina Schmidt, Fredrik Lindgren and Hans Göran Arlock were re-elected as Board members.Ebba Åsly Fåhraeus was elected as Chairman of the Board. A Nominating Committee shall be formed by 30 September 2010, and consist of representatives for the four biggest shareholders at the time, provided these shareholders are not board members. Guidelines for remuneration for the CEO and other leading employees were ratified in accordance with the Board’s proposal. The Annual General Meeting resolved to change sections 4 and 5 of the Articles of Association concerning share capital and number of shares. The share capital shall comprise at the lowest nine million six hundred (9,600,000) SEK and at the highest thirty-eight million four hundred thousand (38,400,000) SEK. The number of shares shall be at the lowest twenty-four million (24,000,000) and at the highest ninety-six million (96,000,000). The AGM decided upon a new share issue with preemptive rights for current shareholders, at which one existing share give right to the subscription of one new share at issue price of SEK 1 per share. The share capital will at the most rise by SEK 9,835,935.6 by the issuing of new shares to a maximum of 24,589,839 at full subscription. Following the completed share issue the share capital will amount to, at the maximum, SEK 19,671,871.2 and the number of shares to 49,179,678. The company receives approx. SEK 24.5 million before costs for the share issue. Time plan for the share issue April 1, 2010 Last trading day for the Genovis share day to be able to participate in the new share issue. April 8, 2010 Record day for participation in the new share issue, i.e. the shareholders registered in the Genovis shareholder’s register as on this day receive subscription rights for the new share issue. April 15-30, 2010 Subscription period. Subscription with preferential rights trough cash payment during the subscription period. Intention to subscribe can be made throughout the whole subscription period.


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