Genovis launches FabRICATOR® 96-well plate for high throughput applications

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Genovis is launching the FabRICATOR 96-well plate at the 2012 ASMS conference (May 19-24) in Vancouver, Canada, and the ADC Summit 2012 (May 23-24) conference in London.

The FabRICATOR 96-well plate is standard format and fits most robotic systems. Each well in the plate contains a small quantity of freeze-dried high-quality enzyme for rapid and complete antibody subunit fragmentation of 96 samples. The plates are sealed with aluminum foil that allows for pipette tip penetration. Antibodies or Fc-fusion proteins can be added directly to the well for convenient rapid processing.

“With this product we believe we can simplify the workflow for our customers when it comes to robust assays and multiple sample handling. This product is an excellent example of strategic R&D efforts at Genovis. We continually focus on new products that can save time, simplify use and improve analysis quality for the end user,” says Fredrik Olsson, COO of Genovis.


Genovis has developed the FabRICATOR enzyme, which can rapidly generate F(ab’)2 fragments from IgG molecules. FabRICATOR is a recombinant and modified IdeS enzyme* that cleaves IgG in a well-defined site just below the hinge region, generating one intact F(ab ́)2 and two residual Fc fragments. The yield and speed of the reaction are exceptionally high and the enzyme does not generate any additional fragmentation.

*IdeS is a highly substrate specific cysteine protease originating from Streptococcus pyogenes and is patent pending. FabRICATOR® is a registered trademark for recombinant IdeS. 

For more information, please contact: Fredrik Olsson, COO, Genovis AB Tel: 4646 -101235


Genovis develops and sells innovative technologies from two unique product portfolios. The first includes enzymes that facilitate development and quality control for applications such as antibody-based drugs. The products launched to date are aimed at customers who work with development of drugs, new diagnostic methods and basic research.

The second consists of nanotechnology in new contrast agents and focuses on design, production and characterization of nanostructures as contrast agents in medical imaging. The nanostructures and methods that Genovis focuses on can also be used as carriers of various substances in the development of new drug delivery methods. The projects are mainly in-house, but also include collaborations with research groups, including at Lund University.

Genovis shares are listed on the First North OMX Nordic Exchange and Thenberg Fondkommission is our certified advisor.


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