Genovis NIMT technology successfully meets expectations in important reference projects

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In the autumn of 2006, Genovis mandated eight different research groups, from both the academic as well as the industrial worlds, to perform different tests of the NIMT™ technology developed by Genovis. The results show that the technology from Genovis is highly competitive, that it works for gene transfer, magnetic labeling and siRNA delivery, and that it can be used for different types of cells. Genovis is a biotechnology company that develops and markets innovative tools for medical research and the company’s shares are listed on the First North Stock Exchange in Stockholm.

Since the fourth quarter of 2006, Genovis has conducted a number of reference projects. Genovis NIMT™ technology has been tested by eight different research groups in applications involving gene transfer, magnetic labeling and siRNA delivery. The groups are located at two Swedish biotechnology companies, Lund University, Karolinska Institutet, Uppsala University, NIH (the National Institute of Health, in the US) and SCRIPPS Research Institute (also in the US).

The objectives Genovis for this reference project included performing quality assurance of the technology by testing its technical performance on cells that the customers had defined as difficult to work with. The project has also given Genovis valuable feedback regarding production, logistics and packaging solutions. On the whole, the project has provided Genovis with additional know-how that is useful in customer support and customized solutions in different prioritized customer segments.

“Now we know that our technology meets our own expectations as well as those of our customers”, says Sarah Fredriksson, CEO of Genovis. “We have a receipt showing that our NIMT™ technology is competitive internationally.”

The different research groups have worked with one or more different cells (for a complete list of the cells tested, see the homepage for Genovis at The reference groups have selected cells that are difficult or sensitive to work with, and for which they have actively searched for new methods that are milder to the cell. The NIMT™ technology from Genovis has turned out to be the answer.

“By running these projects we have had the opportunity to view our NIMT™ technology through the eyes of our customers, which is crucial to our future development work,” continues Sarah Fredriksson, CEO of Genovis. “Our nanoparticles, the NIMT™FeOdots, can easily be modified to suit customer needs. This shows the potential of the technology and it means that we can offer our customers great flexibility.”

Genovis will begin sales of its NIMT™ technology for gene transfer, magnetic labeling and siRNA delivery on a direct basis to its customers on 27 September this year.
