Proposal regarding new board members and chairman of the board of Genovis

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Genovs AB (publ) announces that Genovis’ nomination committee, proposes three new board members to be elected at the Annual General Meeting on April 17, 2008. According to the proposal, Genovis' board would consist of six members (instead of earlier five) with no alternates.

The new candidates, whose term of office would run until the close of the next annual general meeting, are Carina Schmidt, Thomas Laurell and Thomas Svensson.

Bo Håkansson and Nicklas Gerhardsson are proposed to be re-elected

Hans Göran Arlock is proposed to be re-elected as chairman of the board.

Viveca Rüter and Sarah Fredriksson have already declared that they will resign from the board. Sarah Fredriksson, CEO of Genovis has served on the Genovis board since 1999 and are resigning as a consequence of the Board of Directors ambition to comply with practices relating to the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (“the Code”)

Carina Schmidt
Carina Schmidt active as CEO of Athera Biotechnologies has experience from 25 years in industry, mainly in business development, international marketing and product management within the Life Science area. Former management consultant, interim CEO and business advisor to several biotech start-ups. During years 1985 to 2000 she has worked with Pharmacia Biotech/Amersham Biosciences (now GE HealthCare), founded Grasp Bioscience AB in year 2000 and co-founded BioBusiness Partners Scandinavia in year 2006.

Thomas Laurell
Thomas Laurell, professor in Medical and Chemical Microsensors at Lund Institute of Technology. He has more than 25 years of experience in research and development with focus on nanobiomedical and Lab-On-A-Chip technologies. Laurell has a broad industrial network within his research field. He has received several awards for his innovative biomedical research, Erna Ebelings Award, Swedish Society for Medical Engineering and Medical Physics/Swedish Society of Medicine, Albhins Innovation Award, Wallmark Award of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.Winner of the Foundation SKAPA, award in memory of Alfred Nobel and the regional qualification in Innovation Cup. Several spin-off companies is the result of Laurell’s research and he is an expert adviser within medical technology and nanobiology both to the industry and international research financing

Thomas Svensson
Thomas Svensson, active as COO of Farstorps Gård Förvaltnings AB. Previous assignments include Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers, Corporate Finance/Valuation & Strategy and the Swedish Marine. As a naval officer for 8 years he has gained substantial experience in education and leadership.

For more information, contact:
Sarah Fredriksson, CEO, Genovis AB
+46-46-10 12 30


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