Report from the extraordinary general meeting of Genovis AB (publ)

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At the extra general meeting of Genovis AB (publ) held on 17 December 2008, was approved the board’s proposed new share issue and authorization for the board to decide upon a new share issue, up until the next annual general meeting, at one or more occasions with or without preemptive rights for current shareholders.
By a decision on a new share issue based on the authorization, the share capital will at the most rise by 2 177 246,4 SEK by the issuing of new shares at market price, but to a maximum of 5 443 116 shares at full subscription.

New share issue

The share capital in the company will increase by up to SEK 1 451 497,6 through a new share issue of up to 3 628 744 shares with preference for existing shareholders. Three (3) existing shares, will qualify for subscription of one (1) new share. The proposed issue price is SEK three (3).

January 8, 2009
Last trading day for the Genovis share that includes the right to participate in the new share issue.

January 13, 2009
Record day for participation in the new share issue, i.e., shareholders listed in the Genovis share register on this day receive subscription rights for participation in the new share issue.

January 16 - 30, 2009
Subscription period. Subscription with preemptive rights occurs through cash payment during the subscription period. Notification of interest in subscribing can be done during the entire subscription period.

January 16 - 27, 2009
Rights trading.


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