Report from the extraordinary general meeting of Genovis AB (publ) September 8, 2009

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The extra general meeting of Genovis AB (publ) decided on a new share issue with preferential rights for existing shareholders, at which two existing shares give right to the subscription of one new share at issue price of SEK 1 per share. The decision means that the share capital can be increased with altogether SEK 2 813 293,2 through the issuing of 7 033 233 new shares. Following the completed share issue the share capital will amount to, at the maximum, SEK 8 439 879,6, and the number of shares to 21 099 699. The company receives approx. SEK 7 million before costs for the share issue. The share issue results in a dilution effect of 33%.

Time plan for the share issue 8 September 2009 Last trading day for the Genovis share day to be able to participate in the new share issue. 11 September 2009 Record day for participation in the new share issue, i.e. the shareholders registered in the Genovis shareholder’s register as on this day receive subscription rights for the new share issue. 16-30 September 2009 Subscription period. Subscription with preferential rights trough cash payment during the subscription period. Intention to subscribe can be made throughout the whole subscription period. There will be no trading in subscription rights.


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