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  • Glaston’s first quarter results have been published: orders received were stable and net sales grew

Glaston’s first quarter results have been published: orders received were stable and net sales grew

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Glaston Corporation    Trade Press Release  28 April 2020

 Glaston Corporation, the glass processing industry’s innovative technology leader, has today published its first quarter 2020 results. Group orders received were stable at EUR 45.6 (45.3) million and orders received by the segments grew 3% to EUR 45.2 (44.0) million. This was particularly driven the Insulating Glass segment where orders grew over 70% year-on year. Heat Treatment orders were at a good level as well. Net sales grew by 6% to EUR 46.9 million. Comparable EBITA was EUR 2 million, a decline from Q1/19 but given prevailing circumstances, at a satisfactory level. 

“Since the beginning of the year, COVID-19 coronavirus has impacted the daily lives and work of us all. In the first quarter, however, the coronavirus impact was not reflected significantly in Glaston’s orders received, which were at the level of the corresponding period of the previous year. Demand for insulating glass machines grew strongly, compensating for the weakness in demand for automotive glass machines that has already been evident for some time. Demand for heat treatment machines was nearly at the previous year’s level. Services were affected by travel restrictions and various countries’ national isolation measures, but our extensive service network and our investment in remote services has supported the development of the product area, and our ability to help our customers globally given the circumstances”, comments Arto Metsänen, Glaston’s President and CEO.

Operations running normally

All of Glaston’s production plants are operating normally and the majority all deliveries, with a few exceptions,  will be delivered as planned. The availability of components has also been secured for the coming months. No coronavirus infections have been reported in Glaston to date. Many of our employees have been working remotely for some time now in order to safeguard both their own health and the health of production personnel.

“I would like to thank all Glaston employees for their resilience, flexibility and adaptation to the rapid change in operating practices.” Metsänen continues. 

Measures taken for fast reaction when needed  

The uncertainty in the market has increased substantially and visibility is low. To manage the situation, Glaston has created tools for increased flexibility and fast adaptation if needed.. In Finland, an employee cooperation procedure has been completed in which lay-offs for all personnel flexibly has been agreed and will be implemented in phases as the situation develops. Corresponding measures have also been implemented or are planned in Germany, Switzerland and in all other operating locations. All measures are of course adapted to the workload and customer demand. Glaston is constantly monitoring the development of the situation, our orders and order book, the company’s cash flow and liquidity, as well as the government and other aid available in different countries. The company’s liquidity situation is currently good, and through these actions the Group is preparing for the uncertain development of the coming months.

Read Glaston’s January – March 2020 interim report here

For further information, please contact:

Joséphine Mickwitz, VP IR, Communications & Marketing, tel +358 500 5070

Glaston Corporation
Glaston is the glass processing industry’s innovative technology leader supplying equipment, services and solutions to the architectural, automotive, solar and appliance industries. The company also supports the development of emerging technologies integrating intelligence to glass.

As of April 2019, Bystronic glass is part of Glaston Group. Together we are committed to providing our clients with both the best know-how and the latest technologies in glass processing, with the purpose of building a better tomorrow through safer, smarter, and more energy efficient glass solutions. We operate globally with manufacturing, services and sales offices in 11 countries. Glaston’s shares (GLA1V) are listed on NASDAQ Helsinki Ltd. 


