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Kyro Corporation           PRESS RELEASE          15 February 2007, 6.05 p.m.


At the Annual General Meeting to be held on 13 March 2007, Kyro Corporation's
Board of Directors will propose to its shareholders that the Group's name be
changed to Glaston Corporation (Glaston Oyj Abp).

Glaston has been the name of Kyro's main business area since 2003, when Kyro
acquired the Italian company Bavelloni, a leading manufacturer of pre-processing
machines, to be the sister company of Tamglass, the global market and technology
leader in safety glass machines.

Glaston is already the established name of the industry's most comprehensive
product and service concept, which the companies represent, and there are plans
to further strengthen the brand. The strong names of Tamglass and Bavelloni will
be maintained as product brands.

From 2003 on, the emphasis of Kyro's strategy has been on Glaston's growth. As
far as Kyro's second business area, Energy, is concerned, Kyro signed an
agreement in September 2006 on the possible sale of the business to M-real in the
summer of 2007. If realised, the agreement would mean that Kyro will be entirely
focused on its development as a technology company.

"Glaston will be developed into a strong brand that defines reliability, quality
and customer-orientation, a One-Stop-Partner to glass processors around the
world. Exports make up more than 80 per cent of our sales, so the name Glaston
also reflects a truly internationally operating company," explains Kyro's
President & CEO Mika Seitovirta.

"After improving profitability, our second most important priority is the
development of a united Glaston. A common name is a step towards an efficient
organisation where every employee shares the same vision, values, culture and
objectives. Moreover, the new name simplifies our structure also in the eyes of
our other interest groups," adds Seitovirta.

Provided that the proposal is accepted by the Annual General Meeting, Kyro's name
will be changed to Glaston on 1 June 2007.

Tampere, 15 February 2007

Kyro Corporation
Emmi Watkins
IR & Communications Manager

Further information:

President & CEO Mika Seitovirta, available on Friday, 16 February 2007 at

+358 40 723 6590 (Management Assistant Riika Helasmäki)

/ IR & Communications Manager Emmi Watkins at +358 0400 903 260 /

Kyro Corporation is a financially solid and growing international technology
group. The Glass Machinery Group, part of its main business area Glaston
Technologies, is the global market leader in glass processing machines. Tamglass
Glass Processing is the leading supplier of comprehensive architectural glass
solutions in Finland and neighbouring areas. The Group's Energy business consists
of the environmentally friendly, local energy producer Kyro Power.

Distribution: Helsinki Exchanges, main media
