New charity lottery with giant prizes

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New charity lottery with giant prizes The Globelot Charity Lottery offers a top weekly prize of EURO 20 million in the new SIXplusONE pan-European online game. Challenging commercial online lotteries it pays back a highly competitive 55% of the total stake for winnings and allocates a staggering 25% to international charities. The Globelot Charity Foundation, a non-profit organisation based in Liechtenstein, has developed the online concept in cooperation with four of the largest and most respected charity organisations in the world. The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, CARE, WWF and Human Rights Watch have decided to use the lottery as an interesting part of their future fundraising activities in Europe. - We are honoured to work with this group of humanitarian powerhouses. The need for funding for these invaluable organisations is desperate. They do incredible work in each of their fields. Indeed they reach far beyond the possibilities of any nation, says Steen W. Hamburger, Founder of the Globelot Charity Foundation. Betsy Thurston of The International Federation of The Red Cross and Red Crescent explains: - We participate in the Globelot Charity Lottery because it has been developed with us and for us. And we believe that it may be one of the most positive developments in charity fundraising for many years. SIXplusONE is the first of several planned lotteries aimed at raising funds for international humanitarian work. Globelot Charity Lottery initially runs a 6/49 numbers game called SIXplusONE. The player chooses 6 lucky numbers and a Bonus ball. If all are drawn the winner gets EURO 20 million. 6 numbers without the Bonus ball and there is EURO 2 million to win. Prizes for fewer correct numbers are also generous. For more information, please go to Contact information: Steen Hamburger, Founder, Globelot Charity Lottery, +45 4040 1717, Mette Ljunggren, Public Relations, Globelot Charity Lottery, +45 2294 9400, ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: