Gradientech releases new ebook

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The diagnostics company Gradientech today announces the release of its new ebook “Stop treating all patients equally” – a future approach for individualised and improved sepsis patient management.

The ebook is created together with leading experts in the field to highlight clinical challenges and needs that bacterial sepsis patient management faces today, and how this can be addressed in modern healthcare. The concept of precision-guided antibiotic treatment in bacterial sepsis entails moving beyond the “one-size-fits-all” paradigm and into an era where laboratory results, as well as patient-related factors guide antibiotic treatment.

“This ebook is an excellent roadmap leading us from where we are now to where we need to be caring for patients with sepsis. I am hopeful that the targeted approach to antibiotics and sepsis discussed in this ebook will become a part of my everyday practice of medicine,” says MD Prof. Jeffrey Bender, Infection disease physician, Medical microbiologist and Professor of Clinical pediatrics at City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center in Los Angeles, USA, also member of the Gradientech Scientific Advisory Board.


The ebook also reviews the substantial clinical impact of ultra-rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST), the need for precise MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) values, and what the right antibiotic dosage can mean for improved sepsis patient management. “Each sepsis case is different and challenging and I am very confident that our unique ultra-rapid and precise QuickMIC® system can play a significant role and contribute to this paradigm-shift of rapid-AST diagnostics,” says Sara Thorslund, CEO and co-founder at Gradientech.

Sepsis remains the number one killer in hospitals, associated with around 20% of deaths in the world. In the US, it is reported to be the most expensive condition treated, responsible for over 6% of total US healthcare costs at a massive $62 billion.


Link to ebook “Stop treating all patients equally”:

For further information, please contact:

Sara Thorslund, PhD, CEO 

Tel: +46 736 29 35 80  



About Gradientech

Gradientech is leading the field of ultra-rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing. We develop next-generation diagnostics in infectious disease medicine. Our product QuickMIC®, classified as a breakthrough device by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, allows patients with sepsis to quickly receive specific guidance on the right antibiotic in the right dose. It saves lives, reduces healthcare costs and limits the spread of antibiotic resistance – one of the greatest global health threats of our time. Gradientech is headquartered in Uppsala, Sweden. Visit for more information.


