Shrewsbury volunteer wins local recognition award

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A volunteer from Shrewsbury has won a local award and was runner up in two other categories! Volunteers' Week takes place between 1st – 7th June every year and is a time to recognise and thank volunteers at Guide Dogs UK.

Christine Heywood, a dog fosterer and fundraiser, was the winner in the ‘Optimistic’ category at the charity’s Local Volunteer Awards on 5 June heled at Trinity Church, Meole Brace. Christine was nominated in this category for her relentless belief that people with vision impairment can lead the life they choose and her passion for helping people.

Christine was nominated a staggering 15 times for this year’s awards and was also a runner up in the categories for Person-centred award and the Lead-by-example award.

Fellow volunteer, Stephanie Samson, who nominated Christine for her Optimistic award, said:

Chrissie is not only generous with her time, but also her willingness to do whatever is required to help our dogs succeed. She is an extremely knowledgeable fosterer and fantastic at following any guidance or instruction she is given. Her approach is incredibly dog-centred, and she never shies away from a challenge.”

Christine has been a fosterer for 13 years, she has had many different dogs and many with complex needs, she has always seen dogs through their training, complimented Guide Dogs training to work through any issues which has resulted in aiding many successful partnerships. Christine has always been on hand to help the Shrewsbury team out, not only with the fostering of training dogs but also in emergencies and sometimes with short notice as well.

Christine attended the ceremony was thrilled to win an award, commenting afterwards, Christine said:

“I was very surprised and honoured to receive any award, and I was speechless at the number of nominations I received and the amount of pat on the back remarks. For the past 13 years we have enjoyed working with Guide Dogs and feel a great sense of achievement when one of ‘our’ dogs qualify. None of this would be possible without the amazing support we receive from the Shrewsbury team. The teamwork between staff and volunteers is one thing that makes Guide Dogs unique. We are never left to feel alone and there is always support from our trainers, the medical staff, Louis’ team and all the office staff.”

“A huge thank you to you all for giving us this opportunity to be a small part in making a difference to someone’s life. I have always said if I need physical strength to deal with a large dog then I am doing something terribly wrong. This has never been truer than in recent years as Cancer and Sepsis have left me weaker than I used to be. The treatments for these escalated my COPD and I now can’t walk without getting breathless. However, with Mike’s help, I have no problem taking care of and playing with these wonderful dogs and with your support I hope to continue for many years to come!”

Congratulations to Christine Heywood!

To find out about volunteering for Guide Dogs visit

Gemma Webster - Regional Marketing & Communications Manager (North West)

Mobile:       07818 539675



Notes to the Editor:

  • We are Guide Dogs. And we’re here to help people living with sight loss live the life they choose. Children and adults. Friends and family. Whoever you are, our expert staff, volunteers and life-changing dogs are here to help people affected by sight loss live actively, independently and well. Founded in 1934, following our first partnerships in 1931, we are a charity that is almost entirely dependent on donations. Find out more at 
  • There are almost 243, 000 people living with sight loss in he North West and almost 198,000 people living with sight loss across the West Midlands according to the RNIB. While they are not all registered blind their sight loss is significant enough to impact their daily lives. 
  • Volunteering with Guide Dogs is life-changing – and not just for the people we support.  We have an amazing community of 14,000 volunteers carrying out 23,500 roles and giving around 13 million hours of support each year.  
  • Find out more at