Bulletin from Gunnebo AB’s Annual General Meeting, April 27 2010

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Adoption of the profit and loss statement and balance sheet The profit and loss statements and the balance sheets of the parent company and the Group were approved. Dividend It was decided that no dividend will be distributed for 2009 in accordance with the proposal of the Board and the President (previous year SEK 0). Election of the Board of Directors Mikael Jönsson, Martin Svalstedt, Lena Olving, Björn Eriksson, Bo Dankis and Göran Bille were re-elected as ordinary members of the Board of Directors. Katarina Mellström was elected a new member of the Board of Directors. Lena Olving was not available for re-election. Martin Svalstedt was re-elected as Chairman of the Board. Board fees The AGM decided on a total fee to the Board of Directors for 2010 amounting to SEK 1,525,000, to be divided with SEK 400,000 to the Chairman of the Board (including remuneration for committee work) and with SEK 225,000 to each of the other Board members elected by the shareholders, and a special fee of a total of SEK 100,000 as compensation for committee work. The fees are unchanged in relation to previous year. Nomination Committee The AGM approved the proposal presented regarding the Nomination Committee and its tasks. Principles for remuneration to senior executives The AGM approved the Board’s proposal regarding principles for remuneration to senior executives. Incentive programme 2010/2014 The AGM decided to implement the Incentive Programme 2010/2014 through an issue of a maximum of 550,000 warrants with the right to subscribe for new shares in Gunnebo AB. The warrants shall be transferred at market price to 46 senior executives and key employees within the Gunnebo Group. Amendment of Articles of Association The AGM approved the Board’s proposal to change the first sentence in item ii) of § 9 in the Articles of Association. The new wording is: “Notice convening the Annual General Meeting shall be given by means of an announcement in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar, Dagens Industri and Göteborgs-Posten.” CEO’s address to the AGM Get It Right action programme “Gunnebo’s goal is to create value for its owners, customers, employees and society in general. An action programme called “Get It Right” was initiated during 2009 to ensure the longevity of the Group’s value creation. The programme aims to strengthen Gunnebo’s market position and thereby improve the operation’s financial results. “As part of the “Get It Right” action programme a strategic review of the Group's operations is now completed and it is clear that our future core businesses are within bank security and cash handling, services, secure storage and entrance control. We will be investing more proactively in global product and system sales where our service offerings are an integral part of our business, creating value and growth potential. In addition, we will focus on improving research and development. “In order to implement and execute the new strategy, a new organisation is required and will be implemented as of July 1, 2010. The new organisation will consist of Gunnebo's sales regions and business areas. Focus will be on profitability, business development and implementation. Full year 2009 “2009 was a year when the economic conditions have been weak in many of the Group’s main markets. Despite this, we have managed to keep sales to our main customer group Bank at a satisfactory level. Cash flow for the full year was very strong, 683 MSEK (255), net debt decreased to 1,048 MSEK (1,967) and the debt / equity ratio fell to 0.7 (1.8). “You, our shareholders, have helped us secure our long-term financing. With your support we have been able to inject half a billion SEK into the company thanks to a share issue with preferential rights. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for showing confidence and faith in the future of Gunnebo and our operation! First quarter 2010 “We note a stable order intake for the first quarter, organically it increased with 14 per cent. Market development was stable on the main markets in Europe and in Business Line Bank, and the market for Secure Storage has begun to recover on the main markets in Europe and on markets in Region Indian Ocean Rim.” Gothenburg, April 27, 2010 GUNNEBO AB (publ) Group Communications For further information, please contact: Per Borgvall, President and CEO Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 (0)31-83 68 00, or Hans af Sillén, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 (0)31-83 68 00, or Karin Wallström, Group Communication Manager Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 (0)31-83 68 06, mobile: +46 (0)708-28 33 39, or e-mail: karin.wallstrom@gunnebo.com www.gunnebo.com The information is such that Gunnebo is obliged to make it public in accordance with the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on 27 April 2010 at 18.01 CET.


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