Financial information from Gunnebo AB in 2011

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Financial information from Gunnebo Security Group will be published on the following dates in 2011:

February 9: Year-End Release 2010 with the fourth quarter result 2010. Phone conference.
February 10: Capital Market Day 2011. Will be webcasted, link to webcast will be published during the afternoon on  
Week 12: Start of distribution of Swedish Annual Report 2011
April 28: First quarter result 2011. NOTE, new date!!!
April 28:
Annual General Meeting in Gothenburg. NOTE, new date!!!
Juny 18:
Second quarter result 2011
October 28: Third quarter result 2011
February 9, 2012: Year-End Release 2011 with the fourth quarter result 2011

Group Communications

For further information, please contact:
Karin Wallström, Communication & IR Director Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 10 2095 026, or e-mail

Gunnebo security group has an annual turnover of MEUR 640 and 6,000 employees. We are suppliers of integrated security solutions for bank, retail and sites in need of high security protection. Our experience and presence make your world safer.
