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The Annual General Meeting held on 3 April 2008 resolved in favour of paying a dividend of SEK 1.60 per share (2006: SEK 1.60). It was agreed that the date of record for entitlement to dividend should be 8 April 2008. It is expected that the dividend will be disbursed via VPC on 11 April 2008.

Election of Board
Messrs Mikael Jönsson, Martin Svalstedt, Björn Eriksson, and Bo Dankis, as well as Mrs Lena Olving were re-elected to the Board. Mr Göran Bille was elected to the Board.

At the AGM, Martin Svalstedt was elected chairman.

Nominating Committee
The AGM decided that the Nominating Committee should consist of the chairman, together with a representative of each of the three largest shareholders at the end of the third quarter of 2008. The role of the Nominating Committee is to submit nominations for election to the Board and a proposal for the Board fee to the 2009 Annual General Meeting.

Deloitte AB was elected as the company’s auditor for the period until the 2012 Annual General Meeting.

Decision on mandate for Board
The AGM resolved in favour of mandating the Board to make decisions during the period up until the next AGM to raise the company’s share capital by a maximum of SEK 6,000,000 via the issue of a maximum of 1,200,000 shares, for use in connection with company acquisitions.

Abstract from President and CEO’s address to the AGM
Göran Gezelius, Gunnebo’s President and CEO, opened his third address to shareholders at an AGM by giving an account of developments at Gunnebo in 2007, and of the Gunnebo One Company integration programme that was brought to completion during the year. He then commented on the customer-oriented organisation and the product portfolio for its core business units, as well as referring to some of Gunnebo’s competitive advantages.

Much of Göran Gezelius’s address to the AGM was devoted to three areas with significant growth potential: airport security, automated safe deposit lockers, and closed cash handling systems for the retail trade.

On airport security he described ImmSec and BoardSec, Gunnebo’s two security gates that radically improve the efficiency of passport control, immigration and boarding of aircraft.

Another area offering considerable development potential is the SafeStore Auto automated safe deposit lockers, which give the bank’s customers around-the-clock access to their safe deposit locker 24 hours, every day of the year.
The third area, and the one offering most potential is SafePay – Gunnebo’s entirely closed, recirculating cash handling system for the retail trade.

Göran Gezelius concluded by thanking outgoing chairman Roger Holtback, board member and former CEO Bjarne Holmqvist, and former board member and major shareholder Nils-Olov Jönsson without whose visions, persistence and creativity the many acquisitions would never taken place and the Gunnebo Security Group would never have emerged.

Göteborg 3 April 2008

Group Communications
For further information, please contact:
Göran Gezelius, President and CEO, Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 31 83 68 00, or
Hans af Sillén, CFO and CIO, Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 31 83 68 00, or
Janerik Dimming, SvP Group Communications Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 31 83 68 03, mobile: +46 705 83 68 03, or e-mail

Gunnebo AB (publ) discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 20.01 CET on April 3, 2008.

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