Organisational adjustments in Gunnebo

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Gunnebo Security Group’s organisation has been adjusted with effect from June 5, 2009. The adjustments have been made in order to form a Group Executive Team reflecting the business and to create a simpler, more direct reporting structure in the Group.

“My main ambition with the adjustments is to create a platform for co-operation and team work. The adjustments are not dramatic, we will continue to do business as usual in a new, more business focused consolidated structure built on the current platform,” states Gunnebo’s President and CEO, Per Borgvall. In brief, the adjusted organisation means fewer direct reports to the CEO, a new organisational unit gathering Competence Centres under one umbrella - Operations - and the creation of three regions: North Europe, South Europe and ROW (Rest of the World), gathering together all Customer Centre sales operations. “In the former organisation, I had 16 direct reports, which is not efficient, and the reporting structure for top management was generally very fragmented and complex. Also, the Group Executive Team did not mirror Gunnebo’s daily business which is a necessity going forward,” says Per Borgvall, “Furthermore, our Competence Centres need to be coordinated in order to share the cost agenda, which will now be done under the new organisational unit Operations.” As of June 5 2009, Gunnebo’s Executive Management Team has the following members:  President and CEO: Per Borgvall  CFO and CIO: Hans af Sillén  SVP HR and Communications: Agneta Hultgren  SVP Region North Europe: Per Borgvall (acting)  SVP Region South Europe: Christian Guillou (will also remain Country Manager Gunnebo France)  SVP Region ROW (Rest of the World): Per Borgvall (acting)  SVP Operations: Tomas Wängberg (to take up position as of September 1, 2009) New appointments in the adjusted organisation: Tomas Wängberg will take up the position as SVP Operations as of September 1, 2009. Thomas (51, University certificate in Marine Engineering) has a professional background as President and CEO, ABS Group AB; Pharmadule Emtunga AB, Executive Vice President and General Manager; ABB Stal, Industrial turbine division, and senior management positions at ABB within marketing, sales and production in North America and Europe. Karin Wallström has taken up the position as Gunnebo’s IR and Communication Manager on a permanent basis as of June 1, 2009. Karin (30, MsC in finance and business administration, journalist) has been working in Gunnebo’s communication department since 2003, and has had an acting role as Group Communication Manager since April 2008. The positions of SVP Region North Europe and SVP ROW are vacant and will be filled by Per Borgvall in an acting capacity until new recruitments are in place. More information on Gunnebo’s new organisation can be found in the presentation accompanying this release or on the web: GUNNEBO AB (publ) Group Communications For further information, please contact: Per Borgvall, President and CEO Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 31 83 68 00, or Karin Wallström, Communication Manager Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 31 83 68 06, mobile: +46 708 28 33 39, or e-mail Gunnebo may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at June 5, 2009 on 09.01 CET.