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  • Precautionary measures to reduce risks of infectivity at Gunnebo’s Annual General Meeting 2020

Precautionary measures to reduce risks of infectivity at Gunnebo’s Annual General Meeting 2020

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Gunnebo is closely monitoring the current status of the covid-19, corona virus. In the light of the decision by the Public Health Agency of Sweden to raise the risk level for infectivity, Gunnebo will take certain precautions during the Annual General Meeting which will be held at 4 p.m. CET on Tuesday 21 April, 2020, at Elite Park Avenue Hotel in Gothenburg.

The following precautions will be made to the arrangement:

  • No food or refreshments will be served.
  • The registration will open at 3.30 p.m. CET, i.e. 30 minutes before the opening of the Annual General Meeting.
  • Gunnebo’s CEO will only hold a short presentation. A longer CEO-presentation will be available on the day of the Annual General Meeting at the Gunnebo website, governance section: Annual General Meeting 2020. 
  • The duration of the Annual General Meeting will be minimized without infringing on the rights of the shareholders.
  • Any shareholder displaying symptoms of illness, who have recently travelled to a risk area, or is part of a risk group, is requested to refrain from attending the Annual General Meeting, and instead vote via proxy. Proxy forms are available on the company’s website: www.gunnebogroup.com. Please note that Gunnebo is not permitted to gather powers of attorney and act as proxy.

Based on the development any further precautionary measures will be communicated on the company’s website and sent to shareholders who has notified to attend the Annual General Meeting.

For more information, contact: 
Isabelle Ljunggren, Director, Investor Relations, phone +46(0)10-20 95 099

The Gunnebo Group operates worldwide providing innovative products, software and services to control the flow of valuables, cash and people. Gunnebo offers entrance control, safe storage, cash management and integrated security solutions to customers primarily within retail, mass transit, public & commercial buildings, industrial & high-risk sites and banking. The Group has a turnover of MSEK 5,500 and is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm.