Summary from Gunnebo’s Capital Market Day on February 11, 2010

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Gunnebo Security Group’s Capital Market Day has taken place in Stockholm and was attended by some 50 analysts, fund managers, investors and journalists. On the agenda was an update of the Group’s action programme for increased profitability – Get It Right – which includes a strategic overhaul of the operation.

The Capital Market Day began with a presentation of the Group’s Year-End Release for 2009. “The Get It Right action programme is running to plan. A result is the outcome for the operating cash flow for the whole year, which was MSEK 683 (255),” said Gunnebo’s President and CEO Per Borgvall. “Furthermore, the net debt decreased to MSEK 1,048 (1,967) and the debt/equity ratio has been reduced to 0.7 (1.8). During the year we have also successfully carried out a new share issue with preferential right which gave MSEK 490, and secured the Group’s long-term financing.” “Business-wise, market development for Business Line Bank has been stable throughout the year while there has been continued weak economic development in the Group’s main markets.” The theme of Capital Market Day 2010 was a review of the Get It Right action programme for increased profitability which was initiated in 2009: - Cash flow - Improved margins - Management structure - Cost cutting - Strategic overhaul of the Group’s operations - Re-financing President and CEO Per Borgvall began the Capital Market Day with a review of the results of the strategic overview of the Group’s operations to date, and a presentation of the Group Executive Team: “We will focus on developing our existing business on the growth markets of India, Indonesia and the Middle East, as well as establishing our own company in China with responsibility for manufacturing, purchasing and sales.” “In future we will also focus our business on the bank sector and other customers that handle large volumes of cash, and on customers requiring Secure Storage and Entrance Security. Moreover the Group intends to highlight and further develop its already successful service business.” “Since June 2009 Gunnebo has had a Group Executive Team in place focusing on the business. I would like to extend a special welcome to Thomas Heim, who will be taking up the position of SvP Region North Europe and Country Manager for Gunnebo Germany and Austria on April 1.” Tomas Wängberg, SvP Operations, then presented the initiatives taken with the aim of reducing the Group’s fixed costs and improving margins. “During the autumn a process overhaul of Gunnebo’s entire operation was initiated, from market requirements to delivery and after sales service. The decision to start our own operation with functions such as manufacturing and purchasing in China is part of that overhaul. Another aspect is the decision to close the Group’s factory in Mora and partially move production to low-cost countries. Negotiations with the unions are now complete and the factory will close in summer 2010. Furthermore, it was announced today that negotiations has been initiated regarding closure of our production at Kempston/Bedford factory in the UK.” “With the perspective of a few years, we plan to save 10-15 per cent of costs within the industrial platform through focusing on our processes. Example of action taken is that Gunnebo has signed a global agreement with four major logistics suppliers: Agility, DHL, DSV and Schenker. This means the Group has gone from over 80 local shipping agents to four global agents, significantly improving quality throughout the entire logistics process.” Gunnebo CFO Hans af Sillén concluded the 2010 Capital Market Day by providing an updated overview of the Group’s finances, with a focus on cash flow. “The improved cash flow is largely the result of more than 300 activities – large and small – throughout the Group, such as reducing overdue accounts receivable, adapting stock volumes to prevailing market conditions, increasing the percentage of advance payments from our customers, and adapting terms of payment to our own suppliers. Altogether these activities have generated MSEK 290 in operating cash flow during the year.” “The improved cash flow, along with the net injection from the new share issue of MSEK 490, has helped reduce the debt/equity ratio from 1.8 to 0.7.” “The Group’s main long-term financing was secured in autumn 2009 through a renewed syndicated loan of MEUR 180. In 2010 a long-term replacement for the MSEK 300 subordinated loan will be in place.” Five press releases were issued during the day with the following headers: - Gunnebo wins MSEK 280 order from central bank in Africa/Middle East - Gunnebo signs Metro-orders to China worth MEUR 1.5 - Bank security, cash handling, secure storage, entrance security and service in focus for Gunnebo - Gunnebo establishes company in China and invests further in India, Indonesia and the Middle East - Gunnebo is planning to close its Kempston (UK) manufacturing facility A webcast of the presentations given during the day, along with the presentation material shown, will be available on the Gunnebo website,, from lunchtime on February 12. GUNNEBO AB (publ) Group Communications For further information, please contact: Per Borgvall, President and CEO Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 (0)31-83 68 00, or Hans af Sillén, CFO and CIO Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 (0)31-83 68 00, or Tomas Wängberg, SvP Operations Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 (0)31-83 68 00, or Karin Wallström, Group Communication Manager Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 (0)31-83 68 06, mobile: +46 (0)708-28 33 39, or e-mail: The information is such that Gunnebo is obliged to make it public in accordance with the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on February 11, 2010 at 13:16 CET.

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