Summary of Gunnebo Capital Market Day in Stockholm December 18, 2008

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Gunnebo Security Group’s annual Capital Market Day, hosted in Stockholm, Sweden, attracted some 40 analysts, fund managers and journalists. Apart from a run through of the structure, strategy and the way forward, Gunnebo will give the latest updates on the closed cash-handling system SafePay™ accounting its progress in France and in the Region Indian Ocean Rim. Gunnebo is also declaring an update on Group financials and risk analysis.
Following are the high-lights from the days´ content.

Examples on strategic businesses gained during the fourth quarter:

Gunnebo has signed a framework contract with the European Commission (EC)
Gunnebo Security Group has, through its Competence Centre Electronic Security, signed a framework contract to provide services and solutions to the European Commission’s Delegations across the world. This framework contract will be performed over the next four years through specific contracts worth up to a maximum of MEUR 40.

“This is a highly prestigious agreement that shows the strength of Gunnebo as an integrated Security Group. In the contract, a broad range of Gunnebo products and installation skills for worldwide delivery are specified.” comments Göran Gezelius, President and CEO of Gunnebo AB.

Gunnebo France signs order with Le Crédit Lyonnais worth MEUR 4.7
Gunnebo France has received an order from French bank Le Crédit Lyonnais for 400 SafeBag deposit systems called ADX-N. The ADX-N is a deposit system connected to a bank network which allows transaction traceability and cardholder identification. Customer advantages are based on the upgrades of existing installed bases to be compliant with banks’ constraints. The order value is MEUR 4.7. Delivery will begin in January 2009, and continue until the end of 2009. After installation, the maintenance will be supported by Gunnebo through an additional service contract for all 400 units.

“Gunnebo France has a long history of doing business with Le Crédit Lyonnais. This important order shows that Gunnebo is a preferred supplier to the bank and that we keep strengthening our business relations,” says Christian Guillou, Country Manager Gunnebo France.

General summary of the day:
The conference will open with an address by Gunnebo President and CEO Göran Gezelius, focusing on the structure, strategy and way forward for the Group.

“Gunnebo is now a much focused security group and unique in its comprehensive system offerings to banks, retail stores and sites needing high security protection. In difficult times with increases in robberies, street violence and terrorism Gunnebo offers solutions for a safer world,” says Göran Gezelius.

Regarding the current business situation, Gezelius will inform that order intake during October and November was reasonable with a slight decrease compared to same period last year in low, single digit, percentages.

Niklas Thoresson, General Manager Competence Centre Cash Automation will then give an update on developments and trends within closed cash handling, and will also demonstrate Gunnebo’s latest product launch within the field: the SafePay™ SCL transfer unit which allows transport cassettes with cash from SafePay™ in the stores’ checkouts to be automatically deposited directly into a standard format and ink protected security case for CIT pickup.

“It is always a challenge to be a market pioneer, but now we can clearly see that the interest in closed cash handling systems is increasing. Just one year ago we were discussing small-scale pilot installations with both small and large potentials; today there are more projects with a serious process of evaluation from customers and we currently negotiate with a number of major European retail-chains regarding large-scale roll-out of SafePay™”, comments Niklas Thoresson.

After that, Christian Guillou, Country Manager Gunnebo France, will give an update on Gunnebo’s operations in France, which accounts for some 24 per cent of the Group’s total turnover.

“During 2008, we have seen a drop in orders and sales, both due to external market conditions and internal factors. Internally, we have focused on a reduction in selling and administrative expenses,” comments Christian Guillou.

“During the last months of 2008 Gunnebo France has won some large tenders which will show results in 2009. During 2009 Gunnebo France will switch focus from the internal to the external; to sales aggressiveness. Our ambition is to recover the level of operating margin we had in 2007”.

William Mouat, General Manager for Region Indian Ocean Rim, covering sales to over 50 markets in total, will then give a presentation on the business climate and business development in the region.

“Overall, the region is suffering from the global downturn, but it has not been hit as hard as the USA and Europe. Generally speaking, all Gunnebo RIOR Country Managers have a positive outlook for 2009/10,” says William Mouat.

Gunnebo’s CFO and CIO Hans af Sillén will then round off the Capital Market Day with a presentation on Gunnebo’s financials and risk analysis.

“More than half of our cost variables are flexible and we continuously work to adapt our cost structures to the prevailing business situation,” says Hans af Sillén. “Commenting on our long-term financials, the vast majority of Gunnebo’s long-term financing will mature after Q3 2010.”

Group Communications

For further information, please contact:
Göran Gezelius, President & CEO Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 31 83 68 00, mobile:
+46 705 69 85 05, or
Hans af Sillén, CFO & CIO Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 31 83 68 00, mobile:
+46 702 40 76 15, or
Karin Wallström, Communication Manager Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 31 83 68 06,
mobile: +46 708 28 33 39, or e-mail

Gunnebo discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 14.51 CET on December 18.

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