H. Lundbeck A/S held its Annual General Meeting on 22 April 2008 at the company's registered office

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At the general meeting note was taken of the report by the
Supervisory Board on the activities of the company during the
previous year, the Annual Report was approved, and the Supervisory
Board and Executive Management were discharged from liability.
The general meeting approved the dividend of DKK 2.56 per share of
DKK 5 nominal value proposed by the Supervisory Board.
Per Wold-Olsen, Thorleif Krarup, Peter Kürstein, Mats Pettersson and
Jes Østergaard were all re-elected to the Supervisory Board. Egil
Bodd was elected as a new board member. Immediately after the general
meeting the Supervisory Board elected Per Wold-Olsen Chairman and
Thorleif Krarup Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
After having elected its Chairman and Deputy Chairman, the
Supervisory Board appointed members for the Audit Committee and the
Remuneration Committee.
Peter Kürstein and Thorleif Krarup were re-elected as members of the
Audit Committee. Egil Bodd was elected as new member of the Audit
Committee. Per Wold-Olsen, Jes Østergaard and Mats Pettersson were
re-elected as members of the Remuneration Committee.
The Supervisory Board of H. Lundbeck A/S will hereafter comprise:
-          Per Wold-Olsen
-          Thorleif Krarup
-          Peter Kürstein
-          Mats Pettersson
-          Jes Østergaard
-          Egil Bodd
-          Birgit Bundgaard Rosenmeier (employee representative)
-          Jens Møller Mayntzhusen (employee representative)
-          Kim Rosenville Christensen (employee representative)
Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab was re-appointed as
the company's auditor.
The Supervisory Board's proposed resolutions under item 6 of the
agenda were adopted. Consequently, a resolution was adopted to reduce
the share capital of the company by DKK 51,966,745 nominal value of
the company's holding of treasury shares acquired from shareholders
of the company as part of the implementation of share buyback
programmes. A new Article 4.4 was inserted into the Articles of
Association, pursuant to which the Supervisory Board is authorised in
the period until 2013 to issue warrants granting a right to subscribe
for up to nominally DKK 25,000,000 in the company for the benefit of
the Executive Management, senior employees and other employees of the
company or its subsidiaries. The Supervisory Board was also
authorised to let the company acquire treasury shares in compliance
with section 48 of the Danish Public Companies Act. Overall
guidelines for incentive remuneration of the Executive Management
were approved and, as a result, a new provision was inserted as
Article 5.6 of the Articles of Association. Finally, the chairman of
the general meeting was authorised to make such changes in and
supplements to the resolutions adopted by the general meeting and the
notification to the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency as may be
requested by the Commerce and Companies Agency in connection with its
registration of the amendments made.
No other business was transacted at the general meeting.
Supervisory Board
The content of this release will have no influence on the Lundbeck
Group's financial result for 2008.
Lundbeck contacts

Investors:                 Media:
Jacob Tolstrup             Anders Schroll
Director                   Head of Communication
+45 36 43 30 79            +45 36 43 20 81
Palle Holm Olesen          Jens Højbjerg
Head of Investor Relations Media Relations Manager
+45 36 43 24 26            +45 36 43 28 33

Stock Exchange Release No 335 - 22 April 2008
About Lundbeck
H. Lundbeck A/S is an international pharmaceutical company engaged in
the research and development, production, marketing and sale of drugs
for the treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders. In 2007,
the company's revenue was DKK 11 billion (approximately EUR 1.5
billion or USD 2.0 billion). The number of employees is approximately
5,300 globally. For further information, please visit


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