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  • H. Lundbeck A/S/
  • Lundbeck acquires European commercialization rights for Flurizan® from Myriad, USA - a new drug in final phase III development for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Lundbeck acquires European commercialization rights for Flurizan® from Myriad, USA - a new drug in final phase III development for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

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H. Lundbeck A/S and Myriad Genetics, Inc. today announced that
Lundbeck has acquired European commercialization rights to Myriad's
Flurizan® (tarenflurbil). Flurizan® might have the potential to delay
disability in patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
Myriad and Lundbeck have entered into a European commercialization
agreement under which Lundbeck will have rights to market and sell
Flurizan® in the European Union and several associated non-EU
countries and will manage the regulatory process. Lundbeck has agreed
to pay Myriad an initial USD 100 million and will pay up to USD 250
million in connection with regulatory approvals. Furthermore,
Lundbeck has agreed to pay attractive commercialization milestones
and will purchase bulk pharmaceutical material from Myriad. Lundbeck
has also agreed to pay escalating royalties of 20 - 39% on sales less
the amount paid for the bulk drug."Lundbeck has an excellent track record in the field of Alzheimer's
disease and is globally known for its reputation as a CNS speciality
pharmaceutical company. I can't think of a better European partner
for Flurizan®," said Peter Meldrum, President and CEO of Myriad
Genetics, Inc. "The selection of Lundbeck as our European partner
completes the first stage of our global commercialization strategy
for Flurizan®.""We are very excited to be entering this partnership with Myriad.
Flurizan® has the potential to bring an important new Alzheimer's
medicine to patients in Europe," said Executive Vice President Anders
Gersel Pedersen, head of drug development at Lundbeck.  "Lundbeck is
fully committed to the field of Alzheimer's disease and this
partnership further demonstrates that commitment."

About Flurizan®
More than 200 patients have been treated in the clinical phase II
trials with Flurizan®. Overall, the results support the hypothesis
that Flurizan® may delay the disability of Alzheimer's disease.
Flurizan® has an attractive therapeutic and safety profile in
patients with mild Alzheimer's treated for 1 year. In addition to the
reported significant benefit observed in patients with mild
Alzheimer's in activities of daily living (p=0.033), global function
(p=0.042) and a positive trend in cognition, the phase II data
revealed a significant reduction (p=0.020) in the number of and a
delay in time to psychiatric events (p=0.011)[1]. In a 24-month
follow up study Flurizan® demonstrates an increasing response rate
(absolute risk reduction) over time in subjects with mild Alzheimer's
disease treated with Flurizan®. These long-term and increasing
response rates have not been observed previously in clinical studies
of drugs in Alzheimer's disease[2]. However, as with all clinical
phase 2 results these data are preliminary and needs to be confirmed
in larger clinical phase 3 trials.

Flurizan® is now being studied in two final phase 3 clinical trials.
The US phase 3 trial enrolled 1,684 patients with mild Alzheimer's
disease at 131 investigator sites in the US. This trial has completed
and preparation of the database for analysis is in process.
Announcement of the results of this trial is planned for June 2008.
The global phase 3 trial enrolled 840 patients with mild Alzheimer's
disease at 90 investigator sites globally. The trial is scheduled for
completion during the fall of 2008 and data are planned to be
available towards the end of the year.

Regulatory submissions are anticipated during first half of 2009.

About Alzheimer's diseaseAlzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease characterised by
progressive cognitive impairment such as memory loss, reduced
perception ability and language disruptions, eventually preventing
the patient from taking care of himself. Anxiety, confusion and anger
may occur in the late stages of the disease.

Alzheimer's disease affects 5% of the population over the age of 65
and more than 30% of the over-85 age group. Today, about 60% of
Alzheimer patients are correctly diagnosed, and of these patients
about 80% are diagnosed with either moderate or severe Alzheimer's
disease. It is estimated that there are between 5-6 million people
with dementia/Alzheimer's in Europe. The total costs to society is
estimated to amount to EUR 55 billion making dementia the most
expensive brain disorder from a medical perspective.[3] The aging
population in Europe will make dementia an even bigger burden to
society in the years to come. Studies have shown that even relatively
small delays in disease progression will have huge impact on medical

Termination of share buy back programme in Lundbeck
In connection with the announcement of the acquisition of the
European rights for Flurizan® Lundbeck has decided to terminate its
ongoing share buy back programme. At 21 May 2008, a total of
30,319,784 shares had been bought back, corresponding to a
transaction value of DKK 4,047,608,042 and an average purchase price
of DKK 133.4973, equal to about 67% of the total programme. Last day
of potential trading will be today, Thursday 22 May 2008.

Since the initiation of the share buy back programme Lundbeck has
publicly announced that it has been entitled to terminate the share
buy back programme at any time as a consequence of changes to the
company's financial position or changes in the market for instance
acquisitions or in-licensing opportunities. Besides the acquisition
of European rights for Flurizan® Lundbeck will continue to actively
pursue further in-licensing or acquisition opportunities.

The content of this release will have no influence on the Lundbeck
Group's revenue and profit from operations (EBIT) for 2008. Lundbeck
expects an investment level of approximately DKK 500 million
excluding in-licensing and milestone payments and approximately DKK
1,075 million including in-licensing and milestone payments.

Myriad Contact

William A. Hockett
EVP, Corporate Communications
+1 (801) 584-3600
email: bhockett@myriad.com

Lundbeck contacts

Investors:                 Media:

Jacob Tolstrup             Jens Harder Højbjerg
Director                   Media Relations Manager
+45 36 43 30 79            +45 36 43 28 33

Palle Holm Olesen
Head of Investor Relations
+45 36 43 24 26

Stock Exchange Release No 343 - 22 May 2008

About Myriad Genetics
Myriad Genetics, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the
development of novel healthcare products. The Company develops and
markets predictive medicine products, and is developing and intends
to market therapeutic products. Myriad's news and other information
are available on the Company's Web site at www.myriad.com.

About Lundbeck
H. Lundbeck A/S is an international pharmaceutical company engaged in
the research and development, production, marketing and sale of
pharmaceuticals for the treatment of psychiatric and neurological
disorders. In 2007, the company's revenue was DKK 11 billion
(approximately EUR 1.6 billion or USD 2.0 billion). The number of
employees is approx. 5,300 globally. For more information, please
visit www.lundbeck.com.

[1] MPC-7869, a Selective AB42-Lowering Agent, Delays Time to
Clinically Significant Psychiatric Adverse Events in Alzheimer's
Disease: Analysis from a 12-Month Phase 2 Trial (Mintzer); July 17,
2006 - ICAD 2006; Madrid, Spain
[2] A Responder Analysis of Tarenflurbil (MPC-7869), a Selective
AB42-Lowering Agent, in Mild Alzheimer's Disease (AD): Analysis from
a Phase 2 Study of up to 24 months of Treatment (Zavitz). May 2, 2007
- AAN 2007; Boston, MA
[3] Costs of Disorders of the Brain in Europe; European Journal of
Neurology; Volume 12, Supplement 1, June 2005
