Lundbeck's chairman, Per Wold-Olsen, will not be seeking re-election

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Per Wold-Olsen, member and chairman of Lundbeck's Supervisory Board since 2007,
has announced that he will not be seeking re-election at the company's annual
general meeting to be held on 30 March 2011.
"During 2010, I have committed myself to additional board duties, private equity
fund duties and other consulting assignments for research-based businesses. As a
result, I have decided not to offer myself for re-election as chairman of
Lundbeck's Supervisory Board because these duties could lead to an undesirable
conflict of interest in the longer term," said Per Wold-Olsen. He continued: "We
have come a long way in many areas since I joined the Supervisory Board in
2007. Every year, we have recorded growth in revenue and earnings. We have
embarked on many strategic initiatives, offering us an opportunity to announce
how we expect our revenue and earnings to develop during the period 2012-14.
Consequently, I am confident with letting others take over my position as board
member and chairman at this time."

Lundbeck deeply regrets but also respects Per Wold-Olsen's decision not to seek
re-election. Per Wold-Olsen has made a great contribution to the company's
positive performance over the past four years, and he was pivotal in ensuring
the company's stronger position.

Lundbeck's present board member, Mats Pettersson, has agreed to offer himself as
a candidate for the position as chairman if he is re-elected at the upcoming
annual general meeting.

New board candidates
Due to potential future conflicts of interest, board member Egil Bodd, as is the
case with Per Wold-Olsen, will not stand for re-election at the annual general
meeting to be held on 30 March 2011. Instead, Lundbeck's Supervisory Board will
recommend Christian Dyvig, the coming chief executive of the Lundbeck
Foundation, and Håkan Björklund, CEO of Nycomed, as new board members at the
annual general meeting.

The Supervisory Board will propose re-election of Mats Pettersson, Thorleif
Krarup, Jes Østergaard and Peter Kürstein.

Lundbeck contacts

Investors:                           Media:

Palle Holm Olesen                    Mads Kronborg

Chief Specialist, Investor Relations Media Relations Manager

+45 36 43 24 26                      +45 36 43 28 51

Magnus Thorstholm Jensen             Stine Hove Marsling

Investor Relations Officer           External Communication Specialist

+45 36 43 38 16                      +45 36 43 28 33

Jacob Tolstrup

Vice President

+1 847 282 5713

About Lundbeck
H. Lundbeck A/S (LUN.CO, LUN DC, HLUKY) is an international pharmaceutical
company highly committed to improving the quality of life for people suffering
from central nervous system (CNS) disorders. For this purpose, Lundbeck is
engaged in the research, development, production, marketing and sale of
pharmaceuticals across the world. The company's products are targeted at
disorders such as depression and anxiety, schizophrenia, insomnia, epilepsy and
Huntington's, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Lundbeck was founded in 1915 by Hans Lundbeck in Copenhagen, Denmark. Today
Lundbeck employs approximately 5,900 people worldwide. Lundbeck is one of the
world's leading pharmaceutical companies working with CNS disorders. In 2010,
the company's revenue was DKK 14.8 billion (approximately EUR 2.0 billion or USD
2.6 billion). For more information, please visit



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