Marie-Laure Pochon elected as Lundbeck's new EVP of Commercial Operations

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Lundbeck's Executive Management Group reduced from six to four members
H. Lundbeck A/S (Lundbeck) announces the appointment of Marie-Laure Pochon as
new Executive Vice President, Commercial Operations, as of today.  Marie-Laure
Pochon is an ESPCI graduate[i], holds an MBA from HEC Paris and is Chief
Executive of Lundbeck France and Regional Vice President for France, Belgium,
UK, Spain, Italy, Turkey & Germany at Lundbeck.

Marie-Laure has delivered great results since joining Lundbeck in 2007. She has
realized high growth and improved the profitability of our very important French
affiliate. She has furthermore successfully led the Western Europe and Turkey

Lundbeck will in the coming months execute on many new opportunities to ensure
successful implementation of Lundbeck's strategy and secure long-term growth. To
further strengthen the execution of Lundbeck's strategy, it has been decided to
reduce Lundbeck's Executive Management from six to four members.

R&D activities will be concentrated under the leadership of Anders Gersel
Pedersen, EVP, Research & Development, in line with the integrated approach of
Lundbeck's R&D Strategy. Peter Høngaard Andersen will leave Executive
Management, but continue as part of Lundbeck's corporate management team as SVP,
External Scientific Relations & Patents, where he will provide focused
leadership of the expansion of external public and private research partnerships
and collaborations.

Lars Bang will leave Executive Management, but continue to play an important
role in Lundbeck's corporate management team as SVP, Supply Operations &
Engineering, leading Lundbeck's global supply chain.

"I am very pleased that Marie-Laure Pochon is joining Lundbeck's Executive
Management Group, where she can contribute with her strong commercial experience
from a long career in the pharmaceutical industry," says Ulf Wiinberg, President
& Chief Executive Officer at Lundbeck.

Lundbeck's Executive Management Group now consists of

  * Ulf Wiinberg, President & CEO
  * Anders Götzsche, Executive Vice President, CFO
  * Anders Gersel Pedersen, Executive Vice President, R&D
  * Marie-Laure Pochon, Executive Vice President,  Commercial Operations

Lundbeck contacts
Investors:                           Media:

Palle Holm Olesen                    Mads Kronborg

Chief Specialist, Investor Relations Media Relations Manager          

+45 36 43 24 26                      +45 36 43 28 51

Magnus Thorstholm Jensen             Simon Mehl Augustesen

Investor Relations Officer           International Media Specialist          

+45 36 43 38 16                      +45 36 43 49 80

Jacob Tolstrup

Vice President

+1 847 282 5713

About Lundbeck
H. Lundbeck A/S (LUN.CO, LUN DC, HLUKY) is an international pharmaceutical
company highly committed to improving the quality of life for people suffering
from central nervous system (CNS) disorders. For this purpose, Lundbeck is
engaged in the research, development, production, marketing and sale of
pharmaceuticals across the world. The company's products are targeted at
disorders such as depression and anxiety, schizophrenia, insomnia, epilepsy and
Huntington's, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Lundbeck was founded in 1915 by Hans Lundbeck in Copenhagen, Denmark. Today
Lundbeck employs approximately 5,900 people worldwide. Lundbeck is one of the
world's leading pharmaceutical companies working with CNS disorders. In 2010,
the company's revenue was DKK 14.8 billion (approximately EUR 2.0 billion or USD
2.6 billion). For more information, please visit


[i] ESPCI : The école supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la
ville de Paris or ESPCI ParisTech (The City of Paris Industrial Physics and
Chemistry Higher Educational Institution)



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