Business transacted at the extraordinary general meeting

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Company Announcement No. 202, 2009

H+H International A/S
Dampfærgevej 27-29, 4th Floor
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Telephone: +45 35 27 02 00

27 November 2009

Business transacted at the extraordinary general meeting.

Friday 27 November 2009 at 3pm an extraordinary general meeting was held in H+H
International A/S at Charlottehaven, Hjørringgade 12C, 2100 Copenhagen Ø,

At the general meeting it was decided to reduce the Company's share capital by
DKK 54,500,000 nominal value at par for allocation to a special fund in
accordance with section 44a(1)(3) of the Danish Companies Act
(aktieselskabsloven). The capital reduction will be implemented as a
proportionate reduction of the Company's A and B share capital, reducing the
nominal A share capital from DKK 24,000,000 to DKK 12,000,000, and the nominal
B share capital from DKK 85,000,000 to DKK 42,500,000. At the same time, the
denomination of the A and B shares as provided in Article 2, second paragraph,
of the Articles of Association will be reduced from DKK 10 to DKK 5 nominal
value, or any multiple thereof. It should be noted that the Supervisory Board
has currently determined that the B share capital is divided into shares of DKK
100 nominal value, and that the share capital will be divided into shares of
DKK 50 nominal value after the capital reduction. 

The proposal was subject to the Supervisory Board's proposals in agenda items 3
and 4 being adopted and implemented. As the proposals in agenda items 3 and 4
were adopted, the decision is only subject to implementation of agenda items 3
and 4. 

At the general meeting the Supervisory Board's proposal in agenda item 3, as
specified at the general meeting, that after the capital reduction proposed in
agenda item 2, the Company's nominal B share capital of DKK 54,500,000 should
be increased for cash by DKK 436,000,000 nominal value to DKK 490,500,000
nominal value with pre-emption rights to the Company's existing A and B
shareholders, was adopted. The increase in share capital is fully guaranteed by
a group primarily consisting of institutional investors, which are existing
shareholders or new investors. 

The denomination of the shares will be DKK 50 nominal value, and the shares may
be subscribed for at a price of 108 corresponding to DKK 54 for each share of
DKK 50 nominal value. If the capital increase will be completed the company
will receive a gross revenue of DKK 470.880.000. The costs associated with the
increase in the share capital, and which are to be carried by the Company, are
estimated to approx. DKK 35,000,000. 

The proposal was subject to the Supervisory Board's proposals in agenda items 2
and 4 being adopted and implemented. As the proposals in agenda items 2 and 4
were adopted, the decision is only subject to implementation of agenda items 2
and 4. 

The new shares will be issued and subscribed for in accordance with the
prospectus to be published by the Company in connection with the share issue
and the admission of the new shares and the Company's existing A shares to
listing and trading on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S after the share classes have
been merged. 

The Supervisory Board's proposal in agenda item 4 that the division of the
Company's share capital into an A and a B share class should be abolished, so
that all shares in the Company carry the same rights, was adopted by the
general meeting. 

The proposal was subject to the Supervisory Board's proposals in agenda items 2
and 3 being adopted and implemented. As the proposals in agenda items 2 and 3
were adopted, the decision is only subject to implementation of agenda items 2
and 3. 

The general meeting adopted the Supervisory Board's proposal in agenda item 5
that it should be authorised (i) to apply for registration of the resolutions
and amendments to the Articles of Association in agenda items 2, 3 and 4 with
the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency; (ii) to determine whether the
conditions for implementing the proposals in agenda items 2, 3 and 4 are
satisfied; (iii) to notify the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency no later
than eight weeks after the date of the general meeting whether the requirements
for registration of the resolutions are satisfied and that it should be
authorised; and (iv) to make such additions, alterations or amendments to the
application for registration filed with the Danish Commerce and Companies
Agency and to the adopted proposals as may be required for registration. 

Agenda item 6 was withdrawn by the proposer.

Anders C. Karlsson
Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Hans Gormsen

For additional information please contact:
Hans Gormsen, CEO, or Niels Eldrup Meidahl, CFO, on telephone +45 35 27 02 00

This is a translation of the company's announcement in Danish. In case of
inconsistency between the Danish text and this English translation, the Danish
text shall prevail.


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