Financial calendar 2020

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H+H International A/S has planned the following release dates for the financial reports and the Annual General Meeting.

19 February 2020                  Deadline for shareholders for submission of proposals for the agenda of the Annual General Meeting

11 March 2020:                     Annual Report 2019              

2 April 2020:                         Annual General Meeting

15 May 2020:                        Interim report for the first quarter of 2020

14 August 2020                     Interim report for the first half of 2020

13 November 2020                Interim report for the first nine months of 2020

For further information please contact Cristina Rønde Hefting, IR Manager, on telephone +45 20 12 61 24.

H+H’s core activity is the manufacture and sale of wall building materials, with a revenue in 2018 of DKK 2.5 billion. The main product lines are aircrete blocks and since 2018 calcium silicate units used for the residential new building segment. H+H has 28 factories in Northern and Central Europe with a total output of more than 4 million cubic metres of products annually and has a leading position in most of its markets. H+H has around 1,600 employees and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen.
