Interim financial report H1 2009
Company Announcement No. 192, 2009
H+H International A/S
Dampfærgevej 27-29, 4th Floor
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Telephone: +45 35 27 02 00
26 August 2009
Interim financial report H1 2009.
- Second-quarter revenue was DKK 274.7 million (2008: DKK 404.9 million).
First-half revenue was DKK 496.1 million (2008: DKK 821.1 million).
- Second-quarter EBITDA was a loss of DKK 8.4 million (2008: DKK 52.2 million).
First-half EBITDA was a loss of DKK 6.4 million (2008: DKK 121.0 million).
- The second-quarter result before tax was a loss of DKK 86.9 million
(2008: DKK 18.7 million). The first-half result before tax was a loss of
DKK 125.0 million (2008: DKK 52.6 million).
- The second-quarter result was eroded by non-recurring costs of
DKK 40.4 million.
- Equity at 30 June 2009 stood at DKK 647.9 million.
- Net interest-bearing debt at 30 June 2009 amounted to DKK 1,025.4 million.
- H+H expects a full-year loss before tax of around between DKK 160 and
DKK 190 million.
- The work of strengthening the capital base may lead to the Group getting
a new controlling shareholder. The considerations also include the
possibility of dissolution of the A/B share structure.
Please see attached pdf file for full version of the report.
Anders C. Karlsson
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Hans Gormsen
For additional information please contact:
Hans Gormsen, CEO, on telephone +45 35 27 02 00
This is a translation of the company's announcement in Danish. In case of
inconsistency between the Danish text and this English translation, the Danish
text shall prevail.