Share option plan - exercise price for share options granted for 2009

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Company Announcement No. 218, 2010

H+H International A/S
Dampfærgevej 27-29, 4th Floor
2100 Copenhagen Ø
Telephone: +45 35 27 02 00

26 March 2010

Share option plan - exercise price for share options granted for 2009.

In accordance with the share option plan of May 2007, a total of 6,044 share
options have been granted for 2009 distributed on the Executive Board, three
senior executives and one former employee of the H+H Group. 

Each share option entitles the holder to buy one share of nominally DKK 50. The
exercise price is calculated as the average price of the shares for ten
business days after the publication of H+H International A/S's annual report
for 2009 plus 20%. The share option plan is described more explicitly in
Company Announcement no. 155 of 24 May 2007 and in the annual report for 2009,
cf. Company Announcement no. 215 of 11 March 2010. 

Ten business days have now passed since the publication on 11 March 2010 of the
annual report for 2009 and the average price for the period has been calculated
at DKK 65.50, which after addition of 20% gives an exercise price of DKK 78.50
for each of the 6,044 share options granted for 2009. 

We draw your attention to the fact that the share options granted are expected
to be adjusted in consequence of the Company's changed capital structure. In
this connection reference is made to the Board of Directors' proposal at the
Annual General Meeting on 8 April 2010 concerning overall guidelines for
incentive pay to the Executive Board. The adjustment will be based on a
calculation by the Company's auditors based on the Black-Scholes model. The
proposal in full is included in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, item
8.2 and appendix A, cf. Company Announcement no. 217 of 18 March 2010. 

Anders C. Karlsson
Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Hans Gormsen

For additional information please contact:
CEO Hans Gormsen or CFO Niels Eldrup Meidahl on telephone +45 35 27 02 00

This is a translation of the company's announcement in Danish. In case of
inconsistency between the Danish text and this English translation, the Danish
text shall prevail.


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