Updated financial calendar for 2023

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H+H International A/S (hereinafter referred to as “H+H” or “the Company”) hereby announces an update to the financial calendar for 2023. The planned publication of the 2022 Annual Report is changed to 1 March 2023 from previously announced 2 March 2023 in company announcement: 517 - Q3 2022 Interim Financial Report

H+H has thus scheduled the following dates for the remainder of 2023 for the release of financial reports:

1 March 20232022 Annual Report
30 March 20232023 Annual General Meeting
10 May 2023Interim Financial Report for Q1 2023
17 August 2023Interim Financial Report for H1 2023
17 November 2023Interim Financial Report for Q1-Q3 2023

For further information please contact:

Niclas Bo Kristensen
Head of Investor Relations & Treasury
+45 24 48 03 67