HNA/HNB - Mandatory notification of trade

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Reference is made to notice given 29 May 2007.
All employees in the Hafslund Group who are included in the framework agreement for the wage settlement in the spring of 2006 are free of charge offered up to 175 B-shares in Hafslund ASA dependent upon period of employment and whether the position is full or part time. Further employees are offered to buy up to 175 B-shares in Hafslund ASA at a 20 percent discount to market price. The offer is part of Hafslund's moderate wage settlement and obtained annual result for 2006.
A total of 288,329 B-shares will on 14 June be transferred to employees in Hafslund, of which 2 975 B-shares have been allocated to primary insiders. The shares, exclusive of any discount, are transferred to NOK 138.50 per share. Following this transaction, Hafslund's balance of own shares is 105,877 of class B-shares. The company's balance of own class A-shares equal 37,184 shares were approved to be cancelled at Hafslund's ordinary general assembly on the 3rd of May 2007.
Hafslund ASA
Oslo, 14 June 2007
For further information, please contact:
Vice President Investor Relations, Heidi Ulmo, +47 90 91 93 25