HNA/HNB Correction mandatory notification of trade

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Reference is made to notice given 7 July 2005.
In connection with Hafslund ASA's local wage settlement 2005, all permanent employees in more than 50% position were offered to acquire up to 614 Hafslund B-shares. The background for the offer is the agreement made with the employee organisations with regards to the wage settlement for 2005.
A further 3 420 B-shares have been allocated. A total of 428 866 Hafslund B-shares have been allocated. After this transaction, Hafslund's balance of own shares is 248 866 of class B-shares, which is the equivalent of 0.31 % of total outstanding shares and 0.13 % of outstanding shares of class B.
Hafslund ASA
Oslo, 11 July 2005
For further information, please contact:
CFO Christian Berg,  + 47 917 46 910