HNA/HNB Hafslund go on strike

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The Electricians & IT Worker's Union (El & IT Forbundet) has notified escalation of the ongoing strike within the energy sector. Employees in Hafslund are selected to strike from today, 3 July. The strike is a result of the breach in the arbitration between the Norwegian Electricity Industry Association (EBL), the Electricians & IT Worker's Union and the Trade Union Federation (Fagforbundet) on 21 June.
The strike will include several business areas within Hafslund, among them; correction of errors in the power network and the customer services for power and security. Altogether above 650 employees are going on strike. The strike may be further escalated and thereby reach other business areas within Hafslund.
The strike may result in power and network failures not being rectified as long as lives or health's are not considered at risk. Any work requires dispensation from the EBL and the Electricians & IT Worker's Union. The accessibility at the customer services will also be significantly reduced.
Hafslund ASA
Oslo 3 July 2006
For further information:
Senior Information Manager Kjell Stamgård, +47 901 24 135
Senior VP Information and Public Affairs, Frode Geitvik, +47 958 43 933