HNA/HNB Mandatory notification of trade

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Reference is made to notice given 22 September 2009.
All permanent employees in the Hafslund Group who are included in the framework agreement with regard to the wage settlement spring 2007 are offered 50 B-shares in Hafslund ASA free of charge. Remaining employees are given the opportunity to purchase up to 50 B-shares in Hafslund ASA at a 20 percent discount to market price. The offer is part of Hafslund's wage settlement for 2009.
A total of 39,350 B-shares will on 14 October 2009 be transferred to employees in Hafslund, of which 850 B-shares to primary insiders. The shares, exclusive of any discount, are transferred at NOK 70.00 per share. Following this transaction, Hafslund's balance of own shares is 451,161 class B-shares. The company does not hold any Hafslund A-shares.
Hafslund ASA
Oslo, 14 October 2009
For further information, please contact:
Group Treasurer Ketil Wang, tel + 47 975 13 135