HNA/HNB New organisational structure and changes to the Group Management

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During the past two years Hafslund ASA has experienced a considerable growth within the areas of district heating and renewable energy. The Group is making organisational changes to reflect this.
Hafslund's activities will be organised into the following business areas: District Heating, Heat and Power, Network, Markets, Venture and group function areas: Finance, Group Functions, Communications & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
The individual areas in brief:
District Heating comprises all areas connected to The Group's district heating activities in Oslo and Akershus.
Heat and Power comprises The Group's remaining activities within power generation, bio, and pellets production, as well as the gas distribution company Gassnett (ownership 69,42%). The business area also has a unit working with business development within renewable energy. Additionally, as of 12th January, the company Cogen, making tailor-made co-generating power plants, will become part of this business area (ownership 44,8 %)
Network comprises The Group's grid distribution and system control centre.
Markets comprises electricity sales to private and business customers, the customer service centre and invoicing services.
Venture represents The Group's investment activities and implements the development of new business opportunities connected to The Group's core activities. Hafslund Telekom, which supplies services within fibre-net, internet, business net and telecom services, will also become part of the business area Venture.
Finance comprises financial control and reporting, financing, energy trading, quality assurance of contracts, management of The Group's pension funds as well as risk assessment. Hafslund Eiendom, which manages and develops The Group's real estate, will also become part of the business area Finance.
Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) comprises The Group's press contact, internal information, public relations, corporate branding and environmental and social responsibility. Investor relations and public affairs will come under the area of Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Group Functions comprises Organisational Development, Human Resources (HR) and ICT.
Together with the CEO Christian Berg (40) the new Group Management will now consist of:
Group Executive Vice President, Heat and Power: Per Kristian Olsen (58). Olsen has been Group Executive Vice President of Heat and Infrastructure since September 2005. Until 1st September 2005 he was Group Executive Vice President of Operations and until November 2003 he was Group Executive Vice President of Network.

Group Executive Vice President, District Heating: Jan Presttun (58). Presttun has been Managing Director of Hafslund Fjernvarme, previously Viken Fjernvarme, since January 2007. From February 2002 until 2007 Presttun was Managing Director of Hafslund Nett.
Group Executive Vice President, Network (acting): Jan Presttun (58). As above.
Group Executive Vice President, Markets: Hege Yli Melhus (34). Melhus took on the position of Group Executive Vice President of Markets in May 2006. She has worked in Hafslund since 2002 and came to her current position from that of Product Marketing Manger, Private. Melhus has earlier managed The Group's Board and Management Secretariat.
Group Executive Vice President, Venture: Tore Schiøtz (52). Schiøtz has been Group Executive Vice President of Venture since November 2006 and Managing Director of Hafslund Venture since 2001. During this time Schiøtz has played a central part in the development of Hafslund's ownership in Renewable Energy Corporation (REC).
Group Executive Vice President, Finance: Gunnar Gjørtz (53). Gjørtz has, since June 2007, been Group Executive Vice President of Finance. He came to Hafslund from the position of CFO in Løvenskiold Vækerø AS where he was employed from 2002.
Group Executive Vice President, Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Karen Onsager (32). Onsager was appointed Group Executive Vice President of Communications and CSR in September 2008. She has worked in Hafslund since 2005 and came from the position of Information Director where she was responsible for The Group's information department and market communication.

Group Executive Vice President, Group Functions: Tove Pettersen (39). Pettersen has served as Group Executive Vice President for Group Functions since April 2007. She came from the position of Group Executive Vice President, Corporate. Until 1st September 2005 Pettersen was Group Executive Vice President of Markets and until autumn 2003 she was Group Executive Vice President for Electricity Sales. Pettersen is currently on maternity leave and during this time Group Functions are maintained by Christian Berg (Organisational Development and Human Resources) and Gunnar Gjørtz (ICT).
The changes are effective as of 12th January 2009.
Oslo 12th January 2009
For further information please contact:
Mob: +47 92 08 70 07
Investor Relations Officer Lars Ove Johansen
Mob: +47 99 29 14 60