Full Year 2004

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Full year 2004 Earnings after tax was 180 MSEK (70). Earnings per share increased to SEK 8:16 (3:18). Earnings before tax increased 44 % to 256 MSEK (177). Including 2003 year’s reserve for restructuring of 57 MSEK, the increase was 114 %. Operating profits increased 34 % to 313 MSEK (233). Including 2003 year’s reserve, the increase was 77 %. Return on capital employed improved to 11.7 % (6.8) and profit margin increased to 4.7 % (3.1). Net sales increased 12 % to 6,759 MSEK (6,036). Currency adjusted the increase was 17 %. Order intake increased 15 % to 6,923 MSEK (6,009). Currency adjusted, the increase was 21 %. The board proposes a dividend of SEK 3:00 (1:75) per share. 4th quarter Earnings before tax increased 32 % to 68 MSEK (52). Operating profits increased 25 % to 82 MSEK (65). Return on capital employed improved to 12.3 % (10.5) and profit margin increased to 5.1 % (4.6). Net sales increased 12 % to 1,658 MSEK (1,486) and order intake 4 % to 1,576 MSEK (1,511). Currency adjusted, the increase was 16 % and 9 % respectively.

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