Haldex group 1st half year 2003

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Haldex group 1st half year 2003 · Earnings before tax, excluding non-recurring items, amounted to 93 MSEK (106). Currency rate changeshad a negative effect of 13 MSEK. · Earnings before tax, including non-recurring items, amounted to 36 MSEK (88). · Order intake was 3,104 MSEK (3,482), a decrease of 11%. Currency adjusted, unchanged level. · Sales 3,098 MSEK (3,377), a decrease of 8%. Currency adjusted, an increase of 3%. · Acquisition of new environmental technology for diesel engines Future reporting Interim Report January-September 27 October 2003 Year-End Report February 2004 Stockholm July 24, 2003 Claes Warnander President & CEO ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/07/24/20030724BIT00700/wkr0001.doc The full report http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/07/24/20030724BIT00700/wkr0002.pdf The full report